Return To UA.

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Izuku stood patiently outside the door of the Bakugo house whilst his childhood got prepared for school. During the USJ incedent Kachan had been serverly injured, but luckily for him Recovery Girl had been able to heal the hole in his chest. Unfortunately this meant that Kachan no longer had his voice box and breathing would difficult for him at times. Fortunately during primary school both him and Kachan had leaned Morse Code and sign language for the fun of it and as such Izuku had volunteered to translate what his friend was saying.

Regret flooded through Izuku as he thought about the events that had transpired several weeks ago. His teacher and several of his other classmates had been hurt by the villains and Kachan almost died. And what did he do? He did nothing aside from tremble in fear. Asui had to save him from drowning and then she got hit by a villains Quirk as payment. He was the successor of All Might, the Symbol of Peace and the number one hero. He should have been the one to protect the others, not the other way around.

"Nothing that happened was your fault." A feminine voice said interrupting Izuku's spiraling thoughts.

Izuku turned his gaze from the floor to Mitsuki's face.

"All of my friends got hurt because they were protecting me." Izuku sobbed.

"You are all training to be heros, that's what you guys are meant to do. So what if they protected you this time, your career is going to be full of these sort of things so you will have plenty of opportunities down the track to return the favour."

"T-thank you Mitsuki."

"Good. Now off to school you go." She said and practically shoved both boys out the door.

The two boys entered the door to their classroom and were met by a chaotic force of excited babaling.

"Bakubro, you lived!" Kirishima called out and attempted to pull Bakugo into a hug.

"Hey Blasty, you look better then you did last time we saw you." Mina said, also attempting to hug the blonde haired boy.

"Midouryia it's good to see that you are all right." Iida and Urakaka exclaimed at the same time.

Every inhabitant of the room were excitedly talking amongst themselves that they didn't notice their homeroom teacher enter the room.

"I can see that you are extremely energised this morning." Aizawa said and startled the entire class.

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa." The class said and unison and quickly took their seats and sat in silence.


Aizawa was a man that claimed to be rational. He never wasted time nor did he get attached to those around him. Time wasting could lead to the death a civilian or pro hero, being attached made their deaths hurt. So why was he taking his time with this morning's roll call? Why was he regretting ever agreeing with Nezu's plan when he didn't even know half of the secrets it contained.

"Are you okay Mr. Aizawa?" Midouryia asked.

"I'm okay problem child, I just have two a few announcements to make this morning. The first one is I will no longer be your teacher as I am training to replace Nezu as principal when he eventually retires."

The class erupted into a roar of protest, complaining and somewhat whining about the situation. Aizawa quickly pulled them into line with a glare.

"You are aspiring to be pro heros. This type of behaviour should be below you. No one can change the problem we are facing, all we can do is prepare for it and this is part of the preparation. Now grow up and stop crying like a group of pre-schoolers. Get your arses out on that oval and meet the psychopath that is now in charge of you."

The students were stunned at what their teacher said and stared at him in silence.
Sniffling from several of the students could be heard as they slowly rose to their feet, making Aizawa want to comfort them.

"Don't worry Mr. Aizawa." Midouryia said wiping away his tears. " We'll show our new teacher that you did us good and prove to him that we are capable."

Aizawa gave a small nod to his problem child and watched as he ordered his fellow students out of the room.

'Please Kaneki, what ever you do don't change the kind of people they are.' Aizawa silently prayed.


Kaneki looked down at the forty awe-struck students below him. Every student from classes A and B were sitting on the dirt waiting for him to speak.

"So, all of you want to be heros?" Kaneki asked.

Several students mumered their replies that would have gone unheard of it wasn't for Kaneki's enhanced hearing.

"I asked all of you a question and I expect it to be answered."

The next response was an improvement on the previous one but not by much.

'That's proberbly the best I'm going to get.' Kaneki thought. 'Most of them are going to fail.'

"Here's the deal." He began. "Half of you sitting here have been attacked by villains before. All of you are wannabe heros. And the UA Sports Festival is in two weeks time. I will be training you all the way up to the Thursday before the week that the Festival takes place, and I will give you the Friday off to recuperate."

Some of the children erupted into a cheer of happiness, interrupting Kaneki.

Kaneki continued on like nothing happened. "There is a catch. The catch is that during those two weeks I will be testing you. If you pass the test then good job, there will be a reward for you. If you fail, then I suggest you look elsewhere to continue your education as you will no longer be welcomed back through these gates."

Silence settled over the group of students before him as the information sank into them.

"Now for you students that interrupted me, I would like you to stand up."

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