UA Sports Festival - The End.

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The first match of the third round had begun. It was Izuku Midoryia vs Hitoshi Shinso.

Izuku walked in from the left, whilst Shinso walked in from the right. The pair met in the middle of the stage, bowed and waited for the match to begin.

"You may begin." Midnight said somewhat nervously.

"So, your the one?" Izuku asked.

"I have no clue what your talking about." Shinso replied smugly.

"Sensei organised things with several people, adults and students included."

"Very well. Yes I am the UA traitor, though I think you guys are equally as bad considering what is about to go down."

The crowd imeaditly began murmuring in discontent and some began to make their way to the exit.

"Are you guys ready?" Kaneki asked leaning over the chairs.

"Yes we are Sensei." Ejiro replied and stood up, the rest of the class following his lead.

Silence settled over the arena for several minutes until several purple Warp Gates appeared. Dozens of Nomu crawled out of them and all hell broke loose. The heros within the crowd jumped over the walls and intercepted the Nomu.

Shinso, Izuku and Midnight ran towards the left tunnel and disappeared from sight.

"Right, let's move out!" Kaneki yelled and leapt over the edge of the wall, his class behind him.

A female hero with a mask plastered with smiles tried to fight Kaneki and failed. The One Eyed King activated his Kagune and sliced her head off in one smooth movement. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that his students had engaged the heros that tried to fight them. Tenya delivered a turbo boosted kick to a heros head, crushing it with the sheer force.

"Turbo! Go get our other allies!" Kaneki yelled.

The boy nodded and ran off.

"Would you like some extra assistance?" A gravely voice asked.

Kaneki smiled and turned to face the speaker. "I'm surprised you came, Dusty."

"Well, you did free me from my burden so it was the least I could do... Sensei." Shigaraki replied.


Izuku was running through the halls with Shinso and Midnight when he appeared.
All Might came crashing through the walls with a scowl on his face.

"Young Midoryia. You have disappointed me greatly." The number one hero said.

"And you disappointed Nana." Izuku fired back, causing the hero to flinch. "And what did I say would happen if you came near me again?"

Both of Izuku's Kagune shot out of his back and he set himself in a defensive stance.

"Fine then. You leave me no choice young Midoryia."

The two users of One For All charged at one another and proceeded to deliver smash after smash.

"You know, I used to think being a hero was all good and dandy, but then Sensei showed us the issues with the system." Izuku began. "Sure no system is perfect, but the one you installed in this society is far from manageable. People are disregarded based on their powers, or lack thereof."

All Might dodged Izuku's punch but was skewered by the Kagune. Right through the place where All For One wounded him all those years ago. All Might coughed up blood and grasped the Kagune.

"Young... Midoryia." All Might gasped as Izuku's second Rinaku tentacle slammed into his other lung.

"I'm not going to be a hero, All Might." Izuku said, tears in his eyes. "But I'm not going to be a villain either."

Izuku walked forward, further skewering All Might and wrapped his arms around the hero. "I'm sorry about this All Might, but in order for the revolution to take place, the leaders must fall."


All Might returned the boys gesture and closed his eyes. There was no way he could fight against this, he was old and outdated. He only had one hour a day of hero time left anyway. Perhaps this was the death Sir Nighteye had seen all of those years ago. All Might felt a sharp pinch on either side of his neck and the sensation of falling took over. As All Might lost consciousness he went over all of the good memories he had of Gran Torino, Nana Shimura and his successor.

'Good bye, young Midoryia.' All Might thought and he knew no more.

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