Chapter Twenty-Three.

Start from the beginning

"One thing at a time Linds," he replied, placing his hand to my back where he began rubbing comforting circles. "If we work together, we'll be able to get everything done. There's not that many left to do anyway." He reassured, but I still wasn't convinced.

"How?!" I questioned, making eye-contact with him. "Not only do we have the rest of these Head Boy and Girl responsibilities to complete, we've got exams coming up that we need to revise for plus coursework needed for lessons!" I stressed and he knew that I was getting myself worked up.

"Hey!" He uttered, placing a hand to my cheek. "You're incredible. You will get everything done because I believe in you. Are you sure this hasn't got anything to do with your dad?" He asked and there was no point in lying because he could read me like a book and knew that was the real reason why I was getting myself into a tizz.

"We've hardly spoken all weekend and the tension has gotten so bad that I cannot handle being at home anymore." I admitted. "I need to get away from there!" I cried, feeling some tears roll down my face as I tried to swipe them away before he noticed.

"I'm guessing this means that you haven't changed your mind about the two of us moving in together." He announced, glancing up at him with my glossy brown eyes, seeing him smiling.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life!" I beamed, smiling back at him, watching his grow wider.

"It's sorted then," He simply stated, my happiness changing to confusion. "We'll go flat hunting after school." He finished, grabbing my hand.

In my elated state, I flung my arms around him, taking him by surprise. Hugging me back, I heard his husky laugh in my eardrum as he placed a kiss to my cheek. Pulling away, we continued staring at each other before a voice asked:

"What are you two smiling about?", making us turn our heads to see Josh and Lauren standing there.

Walking around the other side of the computer area, they took a seat opposite us, eagerly awaiting an answer as to why we were so cheery and smiley.

"Nothing." I simply responded, trying to refocus myself, but I knew shortly after that, neither of them were going to drop the subject.

"Come on..." Lauren pushed, looking over at Finn, who gave me a look as if to say 'Tell her'.

"Okay!" I yelled. "If we tell you though, you need to promise not to mention it to anyone! Not even my dad." I whispered quietly, trying to prevent anyone else from overhearing our conversation.

"Yeah alright! Now come on, tell us!" Josh exclaimed, both him and Lauren fixating their gaze on me and Finn.

Exhaling a deep breath, I finally revealed mine and Finn's news. "We're moving in together!" I announced, a beaming smile on my face, but that soon dropped when I saw the look on their faces, a little perplexed about how the news was received.

"You're not serious, are you?" She asked, rather baffled by the confession I'd just made.

"Why wouldn't we be?" I heard Finn chirp in, folding his arms across his chest, slightly annoyed by his friends reactions.

"Didn't Ronan and Vicky's relationship teach you anything?" Josh questioned and with that statement, I took a moment to reflect.

When those two started dating, their relationship was so strong but once Vicky cheated on Ronan, their relationship was never the same. They tried so hard to make it work for a second time, but within a few months, the relationship became volatile, even more so when they moved in together.

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