Start from the beginning

"Hold it. "

"*groan* Why is it taking so long? "

"Be glad she is even breathing, idiot. She could've died."

As the door swung opened, (Y/N's) eyes met with two very well known to her faces.


The voice of a very very excited and worried Nakuri sounded in the room.

But before (Y/N) could even react a sudden weight crashed into her. Trapping her in a painful bearhug.




"Oh, right! Sorry! "

"Are you ok?! Does anything hurt?! "

"Move over, idiot!" -Kayn said as he shoved Nakuri aside, quite rudely.

As Kayn looked down at (Y/N) he quickly went from annoyed to calm.

"(Y/N) ... I... "

He started but got lost. It felt like he couldn't move or speak. She was right there, alive, breathing. Her eyes, they were shining. It made him freeze up. He didn't knew this feeling. Kayn felt heat rise onto his face as he quickly snapped back to reality.

"I-im glad you're ok. "

(Y/N) smiled at him.

"Me too. "

In that moment they both stared at eachother. Locking eyes as the world around them dissapered. Something felt... new. Was it because she almost died? Or was it completely something else? At this moment it did not matter. For they were frozen in place as time moved.

"Aww, you two are so adorable! "

Kayn then quickly snapped back to reality.

"Shut it! "

"*sigh* Can you believe it, (Y/N)? He has been like that the whole time you were gone. "

"*laugh* I can somehow belive you. "

Nakuri now felt that a new opportunity has risen up. To rub some salt in the wound. Or just to annoy the one person he was supposed to get along with.

"This idiot right here even almost killed me when he saw you!

" Oh, Shut up. "

"Fine, fine. But it was true! This moron is absolutely crazy. "

"Oh I am sure of it. " -said (Y/N) looking at Kayn with a smile.

It felt like she was their mom or something. It truly was an interesting side of everything. But it could not be helped. Plus, at least it was entertaining to watch.

"Alright then, I'm gonna head out now. Oh and, If Kayn tries anything, tell me. "

"What are you implying? "

"Whatever you think I am. Anyways, bye! "

Nakuri said as he shut the door behind him.

As he finnaly left Kayn sighed in annoyance.

"Finnaly left. "

"Oh, just ignore him. He just does it to annoy you. "

"I know, but it works ."

"Aw, cheer up! At least now that we are back we can finally spend time together! "

The look on Kayn's face fell. Something was wrong.

"Kayn? What's wrong? "

"*sigh* I... It's not as easy... "

"What do you mean? "

"Well... since that village got attacked, plenty followed. Alot of people got killed by -"


Kayn nodded in response.

"Something big is coming. Everyone is afraid. It's our duty to protect both Ionia and those people from it. So I will be gone in a couple of days. "

"How long will you be gone..? "

Kayn then averted eyes as he simply said:

"It is not decided or known to anyone. "

"But... I just came back... "

Kayn then cuped (Y/N's) cheek.

"And I will too. Plus, I'm not gone yet. "

"Yeah...but I still worry"

"Of course you do. "

"Now, stay here and rest. I will head out and tell Master Zed the good news. "

As (Y/N) nodded Kayn got up and started walking away.

"Alright, Bye. I love you! "

Kayn jumped a little as he felt heat durn his face.

"Y-yeah, l-love you too. "

Before (Y/N) could even react she heard the door slam shut.

~It's good to be back~


"A MATCH MADE IN SHADOW"  {Kayn x Fem. reader} Where stories live. Discover now