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Blue's POV

Finn was laying on a table at the bottom level of the dropship. Clarke was doing as much as she could until Raven, who came down in the pod that crashed, could could get ahold of the ark. 

" This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station." Her voice became desperate as she glanced back at Finn "Come in Ark Station. This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. Please come in." 

" Are you sure you've got the right frequency." A girl asked. Raven glared at her. " Yea, I'm sure." 

" Raven?" Clarke calls over. " You can do this. Okay?" 

Clarke continues to tend to Finn's wound, grimacing as she does so. 

"Calling Ark Station. Ark station. Please come in. I'm on the ground with the hundred. We need you" Raven continues to try contact the ark, becoming more desperate as time goes on. 

I placed a hand on her shoulder softly. " He's going to be okay" I reassured her, forcing hope into my words. She glances up at me and I offer a small smile which she returns. 

The radio crackles and a choppy voice comes through."This is a restricted station. Who is this? Please identify yourself." Raven breaths a sigh of relief. 

I heard Clarke exhale behind me. 

"This is Raven Reyes. I- I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Doctor Abby Griffin. Doctor Abby Griffin. Now." Raven said quickly. 

We heard static for about a minuet before a woman's voice, Doctor Abby Griffin I assume, came through the radio. 

" Raven? Are you there?" A similar smile spread across both Raven and Clarke's faces. 

"Mom? Mom, it's me." Clarke spoke into the radio.  

".. Clarke?"


Clarke and Raven were helping Finn and had kicked everyone out of the bottom level. 

I was sitting against the wall on the second level. 

" Hey, They're back." Someone yelled an I sprung up, jumping down the hatch without touching the ladder. I looked back up at Octavia, who was climbing down after me. 

Bellamy entered the dropship, soaking wet. " Where we-" I began but I cut myself off when two kids walked in behind him, dragging the unconscious form of the warrior who helped Octavia. 

I walked over and got in his face. " What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked shoving him back. 

" It's time we got some answers" He answered simply. " Oh you mean revenge?" Octavia asked and I shoved him again. He grabbed my wrist, trying to stop me from moving but I kneed him in the stomach and grabbed the back of his neck, pushing him to the ground. 

Before I could do anything else, two of his boys ran over and grabbed me by the arms. I elbowed one in the nose and ripped my arms out of their grip. Bellamy had just stood up so I punched him square in the nose.

He glowered at me as he felt blood trickle out of his nose. I went to move forward but Octavia put her arm out in front of me stopping me in my tracks. 

"I mean 'intel'" Bellamy spat. He turned to the two boys who had carried the warrior here. " Get him upstairs." He ordered. 

"Bellamy, she's right." Clarke said from her place beside Octavia. He looked over at her, angry but before he could answer, Abby's voice came through the radio. A look of surprise and fear crossed his face and I cocked an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side. 

He ignored my questioning gaze and looked over at Clarke as she begins talking. 

" Bellamy, this is not who we are." She tried to reason. He looked down. 

" It is now." 

With that he moved around her to climb up the ladder. I looked over at Clarke as she moved back over to Finn's side. 

The tension in the room was so thick you could've cut it with a knife. I wondered what was going on between the three of them. Shaking my head, I scrambled up the ladder behind Octavia's retreating form.

"Hey tie him! Tie him! Last thing we need is this bastard escaping because you screwed up!" Bellamy was yelling when I reached the top. I scowled and walked over to the warrior. 

It was the first time I could get a good look at him. And the name that sparked in my mind horrified me. 


I grew up with him in a Trikru village not to far from here. He was my best and only friend besides Lexa. When they found out about me and my sister being Natblidas we were sent to polis, we were devastated and I haven't seen him since.

" Lincoln?" I whispered, my voice cracking. Confusion etched itself on his face as he studied me, but seconds later recognition sparked. I wanted nothing more than to throw my arms around his neck. 

" Blue" He stuttered so only I could hear. I chocked back a sob and nodded. 

He offered a small smile but then we heard Bellamy behind us. 

" Blue?" 

I turned to him, rage written onto my face. 

" What" I snapped, harshly. 

He looked hurt for a second before scowling. 

" Get out" He said it as if he was certain I would listen. Lincoln moved around behind me. I cocked and eyebrow. " No." 

He walked forward. When he was right in my face he turned and motioned for Miller and Drew to come forward. 

" Get her out of here." He ordered, looking straight at me. Drew tried to grab my arm but I ripped it out of his grip. 

" Fine, I'll leave." Venom dripping from my voice as I spoke. " But I hear any sounds of struggle from up here, I'm coming back." I got dangerously close to his face. " And my machete won't be in its holster. " 

With that I left. 


The second level of the dropship didn't prove as a good pacing area. 

People were pilled onto the level, having been kicked out of the bottom room. 

I had just began Pacing again when I saw Clarke climb up the ladder to the third floor. I scrambled over to the ladder and shot up right after her. 

" Get out the hell out of my way" Clarke said to Miller, who was blocking her path. I stood behind her and glared at him. 

Miller's eyes flickered over my face. Taking in my glare, a look of fear flashes in his eyes, I smirk at him slightly before my features settle back into my signature glare.  

" It's okay, let them through" Bellamy orders from behind. 

I look up. Lincoln's body is littered with cuts and bruises. The sight of the blood smudged on his face sends shivers down my spine.  

Little did I know, things were about to get a whole lot worse. 


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