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Sprinting through the forest, I jumped over fallen logs and rocks, evading arrows from the Trikru warriors chasing close behind me. Up ahead I saw a blur of black. I smirked to myself, running straight for the place I saw him. 

Running through the tree line and into the clearing, I ran straight to the middle, turning to face the two men chasing me. Standing in the long grass, I watched as they began stalking closer. When they were about 30 meters away from me they came to a slow stop and it was then that I heard rustling in the long grass on either side of me, smirking, I crouched down, readying for a fight. It was futile though, Artemis and Hades were too protective. they wouldn't let these men any closer to me than they already were. 

" You're a dead little girl" one of the men sneered at me. " yea yea, We'll see about that" I sassily remarked, smirking a little as the men began running forward.

once they got about 10 meters away from me, Artemis and Hades pounced from the grass, biting and scratching at the men who dared try and hurt me. Within 10 seconds they went down, but to my horror one of the men reached forward, knife in hand, and cut into the side of Hades' leg. " NO" I cried out, rushing forward. Quickly I plunged my knife into both of their chests, growling in rage as I did so. Once they were out of the way I kneeled in front of Hades' leg, I ripped off a part of my shirt and tied it tightly around his leg. 

I stood up, gripping his front and back legs in each hand. Heaving him up onto my shoulders. I clicked my tongue and took off running in the direction of my tree house. 

once we were inside the gate I had built up around my tree I came to a stop and gently slid Hades off my shoulders and onto the grass. Once he was set on the ground I flew up the ladder of my tree house. I sprinted over to my drawers, the knife he had been stabbed with, in hand. I opened the drawer, placing the knife up to my lips, I licked the blade, trying to identify the poison it was coated in. Lucky for me it was easy to pick. I rummaged around, moving the vials and looking for the right one.

Once I found it I flew back down the tree landing softly beside a weak-looking Hades and an agitated Artemis. Carefully, I untied the cloth that was tight around his forearm. I let two drops of the antidote fall into his wound. After the antidote had sunk in, I grabbed some string and a needle and began to sew the wound closed. After I was finished tending to Hades, I set him up on the fur beds I had made for the both of them. 

When I had made the beds I had been sure to place them hidden by some bushes, just to be safe. After Hades finally got comfortable and went to sleep, Artemis curled up at his side worried for her brother. I looked up to see the sun had almost reached its point in the middle of the sky. Suddenly my stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten in two days. 

With one last glance at my babies, I moved the bush back into position so it was blocking them from sight. Grabbing my bow and tucking several knives into my boot and bra strap, also sheathing my sword at my hip I took off through that gate and out into the forest, in search of some food.

It had been about thirty minutes since I went out hunting and I had gotten several birds and a deer. Just as I was about to head back to my tree, An explosion sounded from up in the sky. It was so loud I had to cover my ears, pressing down with my palms to block out the sound. Looking up, I saw a metal box falling from the sky. 

I watched as it fell to the ground. My curiosity got the better of me and I dumped my kills in a hollow tree. With one look back in the direction of my treehouse, I took off running in the direction of the weird metal box that had seemingly fallen from space. 

Outlaw - [ Bellamy Blake]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant