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Blue POV

The feeling of someone lightly shaking my shoulder woke me up. 

I opened my eyes to see Charlotte looking down at me. " Bellamy told me to wake you up. The fog is gone." She whispered. I smiled up at her.

" Okay" I whispered back. Charlotte let out a laugh and fell backwards. " Woah there" I chuckled lightly, grabbing her hand to pull her back up. 

We walked out the cave entrance. Looking around I spotted Bellamy talking to jones. 

I looked around desperately searching for Atom. When My search came up empty, I sprinted over to Bellamy and Jones. The two of them looked confused at my urgency.

" Wheres Atom?" I questioned, looking between both of them. Bellamy wouldn't met my eyes for some reason and Jones shrugged his shoulders. 

" Fan out! We need to find him." Still avoiding me gaze, Bellamy walked off to the right with Jones and some others. 

 I turned my attention back to Charlotte only to find that she wasn't there. Turning in a circle, i searched the surrounding forest for any sign of her blonde hair. 

A high pitched scream sounded from somewhere to the left of me and I took off sprinting as fast as I could to reach her. 

When her small frame came into view I ran even faster. 

Pulling her into my chest, I ran my fingers through her hair. Charlotte shakily lifted a finger, Pointing to something behind me. Slowly I turned around, being careful to block Charlottes view.

A cry escaped my lips as I saw Atom. He was whispering something unintelligible and he was covered in burns. 

Hearing footsteps behind me, I looked back to see Bellamy running towards us. My arms were still wrapped around Charlotte, I could feel her trembling. Before Bellamy could protest in any way I turned Charlotte towards him and pushed her into his chest. He looked Confused but I just grabbed his arms and pulled them around Charlotte. 

Once she was secure and couldn't see Atom, I fell to my knees beside him. He reached out and grabbed my hand, weakly pulling me towards him. I heard two words. Two words and my whole facade crumbled. 

Tears welled up in my eyes. " Kill me" He whispered. I shook my head but I could see in his eyes that this was what her wanted, what he needed. 

Bellamy walked over and I scowled at him, he was supposed to be stopping Charlotte from seeing this. " Son of a bitch. Atom" Bellamy ignored my glare and stood, frozen to the spot. 

" I... I Can't b-breath." Atom chocked out and I began running my fingers through his hair. Charlotte walked slowly towards Bellamy and pressed the small knife he gave her into his hand. 

" Don't be afraid." she told him. " Go back to camp" He ordered the rest of the hunting party. I hadn't realised that they were here until they began moving back towards camp. " Charlotte, you too." He spoke again. She nodded and turned, walking away. 

Bellamy stood still, staring down at Atoms body. It hit me then that he couldn't do this, he couldn't kill his friend. 

I stood up and reached over, prying the knife from his hands. He looked up at me but didn't protest. 

I knelt back down and grabbed Atoms hand. I began humming the melody from a song Lexa used to sing to me when I had nightmares.  

Slowly I pushed the blade into his neck, putting him out of his misery. He took one last breath before his eyes clouded over and the life drained out of them. I closed his eyes and stood up.  

Bellamy reached out, trying to grab my hand but I pulled it away. Shaking my head. 

Instead of letting go and leaving me be, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest, trapping me in his embrace. I wriggled around for a second but after a while I melted. 

Wrapping my arms around his slender torso, I broke down, crying into his shoulder. 


Bellamy, Finn, Wells, Clarke and I trudged back into the camp, Atoms lifeless body being carried by Bellamy and Wells on a makeshift stretcher. 

Bellamy kept looking back at me. " I'm okay freckles. You can stop looking back at me" I deadpanned. His cheeks reddened and he turned away.  

" We've gotta get to Jasper. I need boiled water to make the medicine" Clarke said, walking quickly towards the metal box. Bellamy and Wells gently set down the stretcher. 

" Get Clarke whatever she needs" Bellamy ordered some of his goons. They walked away to do exactly that. 

" I better go get this grave dug" Wells muttered. He was about to grab the stretcher but Octavia jogged out of the metal box. 

" It's about time. They're gonna kill jasper. Did you get the medicine?" She questioned Clarke. " Yeah I-I Got it. Come on, let's go talk." Clarke stuttered in response, trying to lead Octavia away. 

Octavia ripped her arm out of Clarke's grip and walked towards Bellamy. " Octavia, just stay there, Please stay back." Bellamy pleads, trying to stop her from seeing Atoms body.  " Why?" She questions. He grabs her arm pulling her back. 

"Stop" She says harshly, Pulling her arm from his grip. Octavia moves forward, pulling the jacket back to reveal Atoms face. 

Her hand flew to her mouth as she stifled a sob. Looking down at his face, I couldn't help but choke back a sob of my own. 

" Atom" Octavia cried. 

" Theres nothing I could do" Bellamy said, sadly. 

" Don't"  She covers his face with the jacket again. " O-O... Please." Bellamy begs her. Octavia moves passed me to leave but I stop her.

"Tavy." I whisper to get her attention. " It wasn't Bellamy." I let out a shaky breath as Octavia looks at me in horror and disbelief. " It was me" I mutter under my breath, looking down at my feet. 

" You're a monster! You're just like all the other grounders!" She yells in my face before storming away. 

Bellamy comes to my side and wraps an arm around my shoulders. " You aren't a monster." He tells me quietly. 

Murphy walks over to us. " Lose anyone here?" Bellamy asks whilst rubbing small circles into my skin. " No" Murphy replies simply. 

"Jasper?" He questions again

" Still breathing." Murphy stated venomously. " I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sis-" Murphy was cut off when Bellamy let go of my shoulders and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him dangerously close. 

" MY WHAT? MY WHAT?" He yelled in Murphy's face. " Your little sister" Murphy replied. 

" Yeah thats right, my little sister. Got anything else you wanna say about her. " Bellamy seethed. Murphy studied Bellamy's face. " Nothing sorry."

" Get him out of here" Bellamy orders Jones Before walking away. 

" See ya Freckles" I called after him. I think I heard him chuckle slightly but I'm not sure.  

As I turn to walk away Murphy hurls his knife at a nearby tree. The blade plants itself into the tree with a thud. He turns and glares at me before walking off to his tent. 

It's at that moment that I know, Murphy is going to cause problems. 

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