Chapter 15-Part 2

Start from the beginning

I look up and curse when I see one of the women I've slept with a couple of weeks ago. Wait, maybe it was a month ago? She smiles as she saunters over to me and places herself on my lap.

She runs her long fake nails through my hair then leans in to try to kiss me, but I tilt my head away; she knows I don't kiss. So she makes it look like she intended to kiss my neck instead.

"Friend of yours?" Alejandro asks amused, watching us.


"Yes," She says at the same time, she turns back to me with a pout. "You told me you were going out of town."

"I assure you we did have a business meeting, senorita. But it ended early so here we are," Alejandro informs her.

"You don't owe her an explanation."

"Rico," Domani walks back to us. "Diego's here, but there's a problem." His face conflicted between anger and worry.

"What is it?"

"He's with Elenora."

The woman tumbles off of my lap onto the floor when I stand. "Hey!"

Angela laughs. "Take a hint, barbie. You're not welcome here."

I don't wait to hear the response as I follow Domani out to the edge of the lounge. I scan the people dancing as well and see her friend, Clara, dancing with Deigo's younger brother, Joaquin; she must be nearby.

And then I see them.

The dress she's wearing tonight is more tasteful than the one she wore to the family dinner. It's an off shoulder white dress that glows against the neon lights in the club, her bright red heels draw my eyes to her toned legs. Her curly hair is straightened.

They're dancing pressed up against each other and Diego's fingers dig into her hips before his hand moves down to her ass as he pulls her even closer to him. He dips his head and starts kissing her bare shoulder. Her eyes close, enjoying the moment they're having. Her hips move sensually to the music against him and I can only imagine he's rubbing himself up against her.

He leans back and they gaze into each other's eyes before he moves in to kiss her. My hands are clenched so tight they're shaking.

I don't realize I'm making my way over to them, shoving people out of my way until I'm standing in front of them and I grab her arm, pulling her away from him. She slams into my chest and then her eyes widen when she sees it's me.

But I focus on Diego and before he even tries to say anything, I punch him. He returns with a punch of his own and a fight ensues.

We're pulled apart by Domani and Joaquin, who now aim guns at each other. The crowd is backing away from us and soon we're joined by several of the club's bouncers as well as Alejandro.

"Stay away from her," I seethe.

Diego smirks, squaring his shoulders in a challenge. "If I don't?"

"Gentlemen, I'm sure we can resolve whatever the issue is without the guns." Alejandro coaxes, trying to play peacemaker.

I lower Domani's arm even though he resists at first. "Not here, Dom." He lowers his gun aimed at Diego.

"Get this trash out of here, Alejandro."

He nods and signals for his bouncers to move in, but Diego holds his hands up telling them he's leaving. "Always got to wave your dick around don't you Federico? Enjoy feeling powerful while you can, cabrón." He winks at Elenora and smirks. "When you're ready to be with a real man, hit me up, hermosa. And watch yourself around this one, he ain't what he seems." (asshole, beautiful)

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