How Could They Do This To Me

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping. It's a beautiful day and I can see the sun shining through my window. But it doesn't feel beautiful at all. At least not to me.

I haven't even gotten up yet but I already feel sad and kind of broken on the inside. I still can't believe my parents of all people would do this to me. Sure, they've never been really present in my life with their constant business trips. But now ... now they've just decided to abandon me once and for all. While they've already moved to Singapore where they live in a fancy mansion and enjoy their life together, I'm still here at our old house. Well, not for long anymore.
Today is the day I'll be moving to a new city and a new house. I don't even know where, but my parents are forcing me. Everything is already taken care of by our employees. No, my parents' employees. They'll be sending me away completely on my own. I don't even get to keep my old maid.

Sighing I decide to get up. It's not like I can do anything about it. I go to the bathroom and get ready for this terrible day. When I go downstairs my driver is already waiting.

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