Chapter Fifteen

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(*Eric Singer and KellerSinger18 left for their vacation early the next morning and they left the Fox and the Ankh Warrior in charge of babysitting their baby girl, Gia*)

Vinnie: *wakes up in bed to hear baby Gia laughing*

Me: *mumbles* Hmm?

Vinnie: *also can hear the Fox yipping from the baby's room* I think little Gia is awake.

Me: *yawns* Let's get going.

(*Together, the host and the Ankh Warrior walk to baby Gia's room, along with the other Kiss guys*)

Baby Gia: *laughs and pulls on Eric Carr's foxy ears*

Eric Carr: Oooh...That hurts...

Me: *giggles* Baby Gia, don't pull on the Fox's ears. *gently picks up Gia and checks her diaper*

Paul: I think she needs a diaper change.

Eric Carr: *scrunches his nose in disgust*

Me: *carefully lays baby Gia on the changing table* Somebody has to help me change her diaper.

Gene: No way! I almost got pissed on the last time there was a baby around.

Vixen91: *giggles* It's not that bad, guys.

Me: Yeah, I'm sure that your momma and daddies changed your diapers when you guys were cute little babies.

Tommy: Good point.

Vinnie: I'll try just this once.

(*The Ankh Warrior walks over to the changing table and picks up a clean diaper, and prepares to remove the dirty diaper*)

Vinnie: 🤢 *faints*

Suzy: I knew it!

Me: *laughs* Vinnnie! 😂 Wake up! *sprays a bottle of Egyptian Lotus Blossom perfume close to his nostrils to try and wake him up*

Vinnie: 😵‍💫

Paul: Somebody has to change Gia's diaper.

Eric Carr: No way hoze! 😖 I ain't touching a baby's sh*t and piss!

Baby Gia: *pees on the Fox*

Eric Carr: 😵‍💫 *faints*

(*Everyone laughs at what just happened to the Fox*)

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