Chapter Seventeen

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Me: *comes out wearing a custom-made Ankh Warrior costume and the Kiss makeup*

Eli *is wearing a custom-made original Catman costume and the Kiss makeup*

Suzy: *is wearing a custom-made Fox Kiss costume and the Kiss makeup*

Vixen91: *is wearing a custom-made Tommy Thayer Spaceman costume and the Kiss makeup*

KellerSinger18: *is wearing a custom-made Eric Singer Catman costume and the Kiss makeup*

(*One minute, thirty-seven seconds later...*)

Peter: I wonder where the girls are?

Suzy: We're right here!

Vinnie, Peter, Eric Singer, Tommy Thayer, and Eric Carr: 😱

Me: How do we look?

Peter and Eric Singer: MEOOOW...😻😻

Vinnie: S-so hot! 😍

Tommy: 🥰

Eric Carr: *pants happily like a fox would do and then runs over to Suzy, wagging his fluffy fox tail* *yips* (Wow!) (So hot!)

Eric Singer: You look beautiful my dear.

KellerSinger18: *giggles and blushes* Aw, thank you babe.

Vinnie: *picks me up in his arms and spins me in a circle, kissing me while doing so*

Suzy: Well then, let's get this photoshoot started!

Paul: *stands by a Valentine's Day themed background and then does one of his famous Starchild poses*

Me: Aw!

Suzy: We're next!

(*Suzy leads Eric Carr to a beautiful Fall themed background for the photoshoot and then they both pose for the camera*)

Cameraman: Hold it right there! *takes the picture*

Eric Carr: 😵‍💫 That flash got in my eyes! *gets a little bit dizzy*

Suzy: *giggles* You silly Fox...

Me: Our turn!

(*The host grabs Vinnie's hand and leads him to the Egyptian-themed background for the photoshoot and then they pose for the camera*)

Cameraman: Crikey! What a beauty! *takes the picture*

Vixen91: *giggles when Vinnie kisses Emily in front of everyone, making Emily blush deeply*

Tommy: Let's go, my spacequeen.

(*Tommy leads his spacequeen to the galaxy-themed background for the photoshoot, and then they pose for the camera*)

Cameraman: Outstanding! *takes the picture*

Me: Now, it's the Demon's turn. Vinnie, you go change baby Gia's diaper while Gene gets his picture taken.

Vinnie: Oh God no... *picks baby Gia and cringes when he came smell the odor coming from the dirty diaper*

Eric Carr: *is thinking "Whew! That was close"!*

Gene: *poses for the camera in a ring of fire, and sticks out his long tongue*

Cameraman: *takes the picture* Thank you!

Eric Singer: Now us!

(*Eric Singer leads KellerSinger18 to the cat-themed background for the photoshoot, and then they pose for the camera*)

Cameraman: *takes the picture* Lovely!

(*Baby Gia had just come back with Vinnie after the Ankh Warrior changed her diaper*)

Vinnie: *sits down on the couch holding a bucket in case he needs to throw up*

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