Chapter Thirty

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(*The host leads the girls to the Egyptian bedroom, shuts the door, and whispers quietly*)

Me: Okay girls, this is gonna be a big prank. Because for the final chapter of Truth or Dare With Kiss Book #30, we're going to be pranking the guys.

Eli: What are going to do?

Me: Well, I'm going to scare the living daylights out of the guys while dressing up as Samara from The Ring, and I even have some of the prosthetics that the behind the scenes crew used for the movie, but we'll have to give it back to them when we're done.

Vixen91: I copied the cursed scene from YouTube and put it on a VHS tape and once I get all the guys into living room, I'll convince them to watch it on TV.

Me: Right! I already sculpted some homemade props of us looking all scary ams creeped out just like in the movie. And once I scare the guys while pretending to be Samara by making myself look like I'm crawling out of the TV screen, then you girls have to hide somewhere so we can place the props next to the TV's in y'all's room.

Suzy: Great! Let's get you into costume.

Vixen91: I'll help you put on the wig.

Eli: KellerSinger is out of town visiting her family with Gia, so I'll be helping you put on the makeup and the parts the make you look slimy and wet.

Me: Awesome!

(*So, the girls help Emily get ready for the prank and it took a long time to do so, and then Vixen91 went to go show the guys the video tape*)

Vixen91: Hi guys!

All nine of the Kiss guys: Hi Vixen91!

Vixen91: I wanted to show you guys a movie that I found on VHS in my box of my childhood memories.

Ace: Okay! *puts the VHS movie into the VHS player and then turns the TV on*

Paul: Oh my God! That was so scary!

Eric Carr: And I think we just cursed ourselves!

Paul: Sh*t! What do we do now?

Gene: Well, according to the legend...We have seven days to live until Samara comes.

(*Just then, the phone rang*)

Tommy: *picks up the phone* Hello?

Me: *mimicks Samera's voice* Seven have seven days.

Tommy: *slowly puts the phone down* O-oh my God.

(*Seven days later...*)

Paul: Guys! It's time...

(*All of a sudden, the TV turns itself on and a image of a well appears*)

Eric Carr: HOLY SH*T! Look at that!

Me: *makes myself look like I'm crawling out of the TV screen, and then I slowly walk towards the guys*


(*All of nine the Kiss guys scream as they run away from Samara to find a place to hide*)

Me: *teleports to each of the nine Kiss guys are they are all hiding in the hallway closet in the guest bedroom*

Paul: Don't look at Samara or you'll die!

Me: *walks slowly towards the guys and looks up at them*

Me: *walks slowly towards the guys and looks up at them*

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Gene: I knew it!

Vixen91, Eli, Suzy: *All come out of their hiding spots* We fooled you! Happy early Halloween!

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