Chapter Twenty-Six

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Me: *is sitting outside reading a book*

(*Out of nowhere, a female wild fox sneaks up and steals Emily's phone*)

Me: What the heck?!

(*The wild fox yips playfully and runs off*)

Suzy: Where did that fox come from?

Vinnie: I don't know, but it's got Emily's phone!

Eric Carr: seems that it's a female.

Me: *chases after the wild fox that stole my phone* Come back here you cute little foxy!

(*Suzy, Emily, Vinnie, and Eric Carr manage to corner the wild fox in the corner of the fence*)

Eric Carr: *walks over to the wild female fox and bends down to its level, blinking slowly to appear less threatening* Come on now, give the phone back to Emily.

Me: *watches the wild fox and giggles* Aww! She's so cute!

Female wild fox: *yips while rolling on her back, swishing her fluffy fox tail*

Female wild fox: *yips while rolling on her back, swishing her fluffy fox tail*

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Vinnie: What are you thinking about Emily?

(*The host's eyes sparkle with love and emotion*)

Me: It's what I've always been dreaming about...🥰

Female wild fox*licks Emily's hand, and then lies  down next to her*

Eric Carr: *chuckles I think think Emily wants to keep it as a pet.

Vinnie: You mean...this fox that literally came from the wild?

Me: *laughs as the female wild fox gently nibbles her finger, which is a sign of not aggression, but simply playfulness*

Suzy: It would make her happy, and she does love anything to do with foxes.

Female wild fox: *yips happily, moving her front paws on Vinnie's knees, swishing her fluffy fox tail and then licks Vinnie's face*

Vinnie: *chuckles* O-okay...we'll adopt you.

Me: Thank you Vinnie. 😍 *gives Vinnie a hug and a kiss*

Vinnie: *blushes slightly* Aw, you're welcome babe.

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