Chapter Twenty-Five

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(*A few hours later*)

(*The aftermath of Vixen91's dare...*)

Paul: Hi girls! What are you doing?

KellerSinger18, Eli, Suzy, Emily, and Vixen91: *laughing their asses off* 🤣😂😂😹

Paul: OMG!

Gene: What is it Paul?

Paul: Somebody filmed our embarrassing moments!

Vixen91: *giggles* It was me Paul.

Tommy: Wait...what?!

Vixen91: I was secretly filming you guys doing something embarrassing.

Me: And it was so funny! 😂

Paul: It was not! I almost tore my bicep tendon because of it.

Tommy: And I pulled a muscle on my left shoulder!

Suzy: XD You guys better be glad that we're not posting the video on the internet.

Vinnie: Emily...this isn't funny. I was so mad yesterday because I couldn't find my lucky shirt and I accidentally ruined it in the washing machine.

Me: Aww...poor Vinnie. Do you want me to buy you a new one?

Vinnie: I don't want a new one, I want the one I have now.

Me: Vinnie, that shirt was old and out of shape.

Vinnie: *frowns* But I've had it since the 90's.

Me: *kisses the pout from Vinnie's lips* Vinnie...🤗

Vinnie: Babe...please. 😕

Suzy: Aww! Poor Vinnie.

Vinnie: *blushes slightly*

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