Chapter Twenty-Three

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Me: We've got more dares!

Host-show the Kiss Army how you take care of Vinnie when he's in his animal form.

Me: Ooh...! Interesting dare.

Gene: I've actually been wondering about that.

Suzy: Same here! Even though I don't like snakes, Vinnie is an exception because he is a member of Kiss.

Paul: *smiles* He sure is!

Ace: Vinnie took over for me when I had that big car wreck in April of that year, the doctors said that I had to take it easy and not go on tour with the band until my injuries were healed enough.

Vinnie: *hisses to get my attention* (Emily? Aren't you supposed to be doing your dare?)

Me: Right you are Vinnie!

Mark St. John: What did Vinnie say?

Me: Vinnie was just reminding me about doing my dare from the Kiss army.

Suzy: What are the things you have to do Emily?

(*The host picks up Vinnie and he flicks out his snake tongue while slithering up her arm, and then Vinnie curls himself around my neck*)

Me: *leads everyone to the Egyptian bedroom and then goes to a room that's located in the hallway closet* That big container over on that shelf is called a vivarium.

Eric Carr: What's it for?

Me: It's a special place for Vinnie to hang out in when he's in his animal form. I had to call some snake experts and ask them how to keep an exotic Egyptian-banded cobra as a pet, and they told me everything that I would need.

Paul: Wow! Your snake room for Vinnie is incredible.

Me: Thank you Starchild! Half of the room is Egyptian-themed and the other half was made to look like an Egyptian-banded cobra environment.

Eli: *looks up at a solid black machine with air inside that's plugged in next to the vivarium* What's that thing over there Emily?

Me: This is what I use to control the temperature for Vinnie when he's in his snake form.

Eric Singer: Cool. *looks inside the vivarium*

Me: It's basically about 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit in here. That's how Egyptian-banded cobras prefer to live in their environment.

KellerSinger18: Aw, this is a nice place for Vinnie to play in.

Me: Yep! And he can come in here whenever he wants to. I have to give Vinnie a bath in his animal form every other day so that he stays nice and clean.

Tommy: *walks over to a pond with lots of pretty stones and a little waterfall* Is this where he takes a bath?

Me: He can go in there for a swim, but I usually put him in here. *points to a trashcan that's big enough for Vinnie's size when he's in his animal form*

(*Here's what Vinnie looks like in his animal form*)

(*Here's what Vinnie looks like in his animal form*)⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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