Painful memories

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Callum's Pov:-
I woke up feeling my head heavy and whole body aching. I get up slowly but wince in pain. I hold my head in my hands. I looked around familiar room and I signed in relief.
Suddenly, everything happened flashed in front of my eyes. How I got kidnapped. How I got sexually assaulted by my kidnapper and most importantly my so called father. Tears rolled down on my cheeks. I sobbed hugging my knees ignoring the pain due to my position. Am I that disgusting that my own father sold me  to get raped to that scum for money. Even sexually assaulted me himself.
I cried my eyes out hugging myself.
"Angel, oh my god what happened?"I heard worried voice. Jeremy rushed towards me. I flinched causing him to move back.
"D-dont touch me. I am d-disgusting." I stuttered dragging myself away from him.
"What? No baby. You are not. Let me hold you baby." He said sadness clear in his eyes.
Tears streaming down my eyes and I raised my hands towards him.

Jeremy's Pov:-
I pulled him in hug softly trying not to hurt his wounds. He sobbed in my arms continuously breaking my heart listening to his painful sobs. I rubbed his back gently trying to soothe him.
"It's over baby. I am here now. You are safe in my arms."he tightened his arms around my neck. We sat like this for hour. He kept crying hugging me tightly. I can't help but feel guilty. He gone through so much pain because of my enemy. He is sexually assaulted and all bruised up and I am sitting here aall healthy.
"I am sorry baby. I couldn't protect you. It's all my fault that you are in this state."I said holding him close to my body.
He sniffled pulling out," it's not your fault jer. I would have been suffered even if you were not in picture."he said holding back his sob.
I cupped his cheeks kissing his forehead,"what do you mean angel?"I asked softly.
"Can you imagine your own father thrusting fingers inside while kidnapper enjoying the show!"he said sobbing. My eyes widened at what he said. That fucking asshole. What kind of monster he is! Assaulting his own son.
Oh my god! My baby suffered so much. What kind of boyfriend I am. I couldn't even protect him from his own father. I pulled him against my chest again. I can't imagine what emotions he must have been going through right now.
"I will make them pay for everything baby. They will regret even laiding their eyes on you. I swear I'll make them suffer till they will beg for mercy."I said wrapping hands protectively around him.
"They would have broke me if you didn't came on time. Thank you so much for saving me."he mumbled against me. I signed and kissed his forehead.
"No need to thank me my love.  I am sorry to let this happen to you. I will not let you out of my sight anymore."I said holding his hand kissing them one by one leaning my head against them.
"I told you, it's not your fault. Even if you were not my boyfriend, he would still have sold me to him in exchange of money."he said cupping my cheeks.
"That bastard got his death wish."I growled lowly.
The doorbell ranged and I got up from bed.
"That must be Samuel. He told me he will bring breakfast for us."I said caressing his cheek.
He nodded leaning against my palm.
"I'll get the door baby."I said kissing his forehead softly. I reached front door and open it.
"Good morning, I bring breakfast. Is he awake?" Samuel asked standing there with bag with Jose.
"He is awake but he was crying so hard. Do not ask him anything about it please. He just calmed down. I will tell everything afterwards."I told them.
"Don't worry Jeremy. We will not ask him anything about kidnapping." Samuel said and Jose nodded in agreement.
We headed upstairs to my room. I opened the door.
"Cal, you are awake. Are you ok?" Samuel rushed towards my angel. I could tell he was crying.
"I am fine Sam." He mumbled wrapping hands around his best friend tears rolled down on his face.
They pulled out and Samuel kissed his forehead.
"How are you feeling Cal? " Jose asked holding his hand.
"I am fine Jose just body aching." Callum said softly. I sat beside him wrapping hand around him gently.
"Ok I have bring chicken rice soup for you. Drink and take your medicines." Samuel said opening the bag pulling out few containers.

" Samuel said opening the bag pulling out few containers

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"I don't have much appetite." My baby whispered leaning against me.
"But you have to eat it for taking medicine. You need to it baby." I said brushing his strands on eyes softly.
"I hope you are fine with grilled chicken sandwich?"Samuel asked.

"I hope you are fine with grilled chicken sandwich?"Samuel asked

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"I will eat after feeding him." I said lifting the bowl of soup.
"Jer, I will eat myself."my baby said.
"There is no way I am letting you eat by yourself. You are hurt baby. Your hands still have rashes. I am not gonna let you move and hurt yourself."I said before blowing spoonful of soup gently. I bring spoon towards his mouth and he sipped a soup from spoon.
"It's good Sam. Thank you."he said.
"No need to thank me sweetie."Samuel said.
I fed him the soup and hand him the medicine with glass of water. He swallowed medicine with water.
"Take a rest angel. I will wake you up for lunch."I said laying him down kissing his forehead softly.
"Stay with me jer."he said holding my hand.
"Yes baby."I said sitting beside him pulling him close.
"I have put your sandwiches here. Eat when you can. We need to got to the cafe. Sweetie, take care and don't move to much." Samuel said hugging Callum softly.
"I will. Thank you."Callum mumbled.
"Take care Cal. We will visit as much as we can."Jose said patting callum's head.
"Yes Jose. Thank you."
They left and I laid down pulling him in my arms softly as I can.
"Tell me if I hold you too tight."I said worried about hurting him.
"I want to be in your arms as much as I can." He said putting head on my chest. I raised his head holding his chin placing soft kiss on his lips.
" I am all yours baby." I said giving his face soft kisses where it is bruised.
"My body is aching jer." He said burying face in my chest. My heart felt heavy seeing my angel in pain. I wish I could take his pain.
"It will go away soon love. Rick is coming in afternoon to check you." I said rubbing his nose with mine. He signed snuggling against my neck. He is so fragile right now. I am afraid he will break if I am too strong.
I ran my hand softly through his hair locks. He closed his eyes tightening arms around my waist. I hold him protectively. I am gonna protect this precious baby and never let him suffer like this again!!!!

Hey amazing readers,
Today's chapter was mostly fluff.
It may seem boring but it is needed to show Jeremy's caring and loving side for his angel.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Keep reading and stay tuned.
Take care and stay healthy.

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