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Sexual harrasment but not rape🔞👇
Callum's Pov:-
It has been 2 days, I am tied to this chair. They come to this room with small amount of that disgusting food and water. They feed me without freeing my hands and go. I already feel weak because of lack of food. My hands and legs are swollen and scratched badly due to ropes.
The room is so cold that I can't believe how I spent two ice cold night here. I was shivering so badly my teeths clattering. There are cramps all over my back and neck.
The door opened with the slam. I flinched and my head snapped towards door direction. I shivered looking at predatory grin on that man's face.
"Let's have some fun. Shall we?"he said rubbing his palms.
"Please, leave me alone please."I plead to him.
"Not helping baby. Your begs tempt me more to wreck you for that bastard."
Tears streamed down my eyes. I gulped seeing him stalking towards me. He took out knife and cut open my shirt trailing tip of knife on my stomach. My body trembled in fear thinking what going to happen to me.
Suddenly he attacked my neck sucking and biting harshly. I screamed in pain crying continuously.
"Aahhhh st-oop please."I plead but he didn't stop. He pinched my nipple hard sucking my skin harshly. I whimpered struggling to get away from this pain. He pulled out and laughing sinisterly looking at his harsh bruises on my neck. He ripped open my pants with my boxers. I felt ashamed and vulnerable all naked in front of my kidnapper. I couldn't do anything to cover myself as my hands are tied. He pulled out some object from his pocket.
"You know what it is.... It is vibrator it's going to strech your hole for me."he said smirking eying my body with hunger.
"Please don't do this."I whimpered struggling against ropes.
"I am going to wreck you slut."he growled slapping me hard. I feel blood in my mouth due to harsh slap.
He pulled out his belt striking on floor making sound.
"Now one more sound from your mouth and you will get one hit of this belt. He opened the rope tied to my legs, I immediately tried throwing kicks but he tightly gripped my legs raising them.
"Now I am gonna call someone. I am excited to see how will you react."he said squeezing my thighs.
"Come in quick." He said loudly.
The person entered the room and my eyes widened heart clenching. New set of tears gathered in my eyes seeing my father standing there smirking. How could he do this.... I am his own blood.
"How could you?" I screamed crying. Sound of lash boomed in room.
"Didn't I told you don't make sound?"he growled.
I whimpered in pain of strike.
"Hold his legs wide apart."he said to my father.
"How do you feel fag, enjoying?"he said holding my leg apart.
I bit my lip crying silently hoping this torture will end soon. He rubbed finger on my hole roughly. I struggled trying hard not to make sound. He then inserted vibrator inside me harshly. I screamed unable to stop. He striked belt on my stomach immediately. I bit my lip so hard blood came out of lips due to hard biting. He pressed button of remote and jolts after jolts were sent making me moan and scream in pain. He again strike his belt on my body. It became unbearable. I couldn't stop my screams. He kept striking my skin again and again. I feel knot in my stomach making me feel ashamed of myself. I whimpered." P-ple-ease s-stop." I begged. He didn't show any mercy. I came harshly.
"Ohhh you came slut. You must be enjoying it."my father said in disgust. I feel numb black spots in front of my eyes. I saw him laughing sinisterly then I lost my consciousness.

Jeremy's Pov:-
I was going crazy. That fucker gonna pay heavy concequences for kidnapping my angel. If something happens to my baby, I will chop off his body parts. Angel, are you fine there... I thought praying he will be safe till I get to him.
I banged my fist on table in anger.
David came in office.
"Calm down buddy,"everything is ready according to our plan. We can attack tonight." He said handing me map of the warehouse.
"Fine. Let's end him tonight. He is going to pay for every scratch he made on my baby." I growled.
We got ready. I instruct my gang members about our plan once again. We got in the car heading towards warehouse.

Callum's Pov:-
I woke up flinching when glass of cold water thrown on my face.
"You are not allowed to pass out till I am satisfied baby." He said smirking.
"Open his ropes on hand."he instruct.
My father opened the knots of rope releasing my hands. He dragged me towards wall. He made me stand against wall my back facing him. He tied my hands to the hook with rope together. He trailed his fingers on my back making me shiver in disgust. He then harshly insert his middle finger in my hole making me scream in pain. He slapped my butt hard.
"Don't make a sound." He growled. I whimpered. He kept slapping my butt cheeks his finger thrusting non-stop. I was helpless. I leaned my face against the wall taking the pain crying praying it will stop soon. He stopped slapping and entered two more fingers stretching my hole painfully. He started thrusting harshly making me cry in unbearable pain in my abused hole. God please stop this torture. I don't think I can take it anymore. What did I ever do to deserve all of this.
I came again whimpering. My legs feel like jelly but I am tied by my arms. He released my hands and I fall down on ground limping.
"Tomorrow I am going to wreck that hole." He said smirking. My father looked at me smiling evily. He is monster. They left locking the door leaving me in pain. I curled in ball my whole body throbbed in pain. I cried silently. Jeremy please save me. I can't bear anymore pain.

Jeremy's Pov:-
We reached the warehouse and got out carefully.
"Are you ready guys?" I asked in earpiece.
"Yes boss."everyone said.
"Let's go." We separated going in different directions surrounding warehouse. There was not much security because that bastard thought that I could not find him here. That fucktard don't know who I am. David and me slowly walked towards entrance hiding behind the pillars.
We cracked neck of both men before they could do anything. I am sure all doors must be now covered by my men. I took key from dead guards pocket and opened the lock gently without making sound. We entered the house silently. The men standing started firing the guns but by that time my gang members joined us. The gunshots sounds boomed in the hall. I was firing hiding behind the pillar. I have to find out where they keep my baby. I looked around but there is no sign of Carlos there.
"Did any of you guys notice Carlos anywhere while entering?"I asked in earpiece.
Everyone said no. Where the hell did he go.

Callum's Pov:-
My eyes open on the sound of gunshots. I dragged myself towards the corner of the room. I curled my legs against my chest. I covered my ears on the sound of gunshots.
Suddenly, the door opened. He standing there fuming with anger.
"Your boyfriend is here slut?"he said clenching his fist.
I felt wave relief washed through me. He is here to save me. Tears rolled down my cheeks nonstop.
"Don't think you will be saved. I will fuck you first then I will kill you right here before he can get you."he growled walking towards me.
I shivered in fear my back colliding against wall. He grabbed me harshly making me stand against wall and turned me around. He started biting my neck harshly and insert his fingers inside my already swollen hole roughly. I screamed in pain. He kept thrusting continuously without showing any mercy.
"Jeremy, Jeremy help me please help me."I screamed with all my left out energy hoping that he would hear me.
Someone plunged cloth in my mouth before I could scream more. I saw my father smirking at me.
"You enjoy seeing torture to your son. Don't you?"he asked.
"He is not my son. He is slut that I sold to you in exchange of money and yes I am enjoying this show."he said laughing. His words cut my heart like a sharp knife. I cried tears streaming down my face.
"Why don't you have some fun with doesn't matter who he is as long as we will get pleasure."he said sinisterly to my father. My eyes widened, no he will not stoop to that level will he........
"That's not a bad idea actually."my so called father said. My heart break more. My father said that it's good idea to rape his own son. I whimpered , Jeremy please take me away from this torture. I am going to get raped by my own father. Life can't get worse than this.
He removed his fingers and pushed me towards my father. My father slammed me against wall making me winced in pain shooting through my already bruised body.
He slapped my butt hard rapidly. I screamed in cloth in pain gripping wall tightly. He then inserted four fingers at once thrusting continuously without mercy. I can't call anyone for help. I am going to get raped by my own father. It's better if I die today. I stand limp against the wall silently crying my body already numb due to pain.
"Now, let fuck him hard."he said pushing my father aside. I tried to wiggle away from his hold but he slapped my butt hard and hold me tightly against wall.
"Hold him against the wall."he growled. My father hold me tightly against wall. I can't move because my body is already weak due to lack of food and the beatings. I hear unbuckling of belt. That's it I am going to get destroyed today in all the ways, emotionally and physically. I cried silently as I feel tip of his cock against my opening. But before he can enter someone opened the door harshly. I feel his hands removed from my body fully. I fall down on the floor pain shooting through my body. I looked at Jeremy and David standing there holding gun. Relief flooded through my body as I closed my eyes signing.

Hey amazing readers,
That's it for today.
Finally Jeremy is here to save his angel.
Will they leave from there safely.
What will happen next?
Stay tuned and keep reading.
Be happy and take care

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