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With the cool breeze blowing, and spring flowers drifting in the air accompanied by the birds returning to their homes in the evening sky, Rian noticed a crowded area from where that melodious voice coming. He stepped forward crossing the distance between him and the voice and took him in front of a beautiful young lady in her 20s. Her eyes were big, suiting her chocolate hazelnut eye colour making him lost in them, that beautiful high nose, fair skin tone giving her cheeks pink shade, her plump rosy lips sometimes showing her pearl white perfect teeth, her narrow angled jaw-line, Ectomorph body covered with white gown style suit with churidar and a red dupatta, Making her look like an angel on earth. Her Innocence was mesmerising.

His heartbeats rose, and he felt butterflies in his stomach, staring at her heavenly gorgeous face without giving rest to his eyes. Rian's vision blurred everything except her, his lips craved a smile on his face unknowingly. He couldn't hear anything except her voice. He suddenly was feeling something he never felt before, feeling happy by seeing her smiling. He thought...

"Is this what they call LOVE at first sight? Am I in love?" he whispered to himself not hearing the callings of Samira on his phone.

The song ended with huge rounds' of claps and the Girl smiling left with her friends. Rian was watching her every movement, living his full life at the moment until she vanished from his sight. He became conscious when another ring rang on his phone of Karan. He picked up

"Dude, Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I am, why?"

"I and Samira called you for the past 15 minutes. Why were you not picking up?"

"Really you did? I didn't notice"

"You kidding me I freaking called you 11 times, Sami called you 21 times and you say, you didn't notice!... Leave it, it's already 5 come into the parking area. We're waiting for you."

With that, Rian hung up and left the park. During the whole ride, he was drowned in his imagination looking through the car window, and not giving a little attention to his friends. Sami said bye to both of the boys as they left her in front of her house. Karan took his attention by saying
"Met a girl?"

Rian ignored looking at him with shyness in his eyes and a smile on his lips. 

Time skips after Dinner~

Rian was lost in his imagination. He had many girlfriends in past but this one he never even talked to stole his peace and made him dream about her 24/7

"I like her. I need her. I want her to be mine." Said Rian looking at the clear view of the moon, he drifted into wonderland.

'The strange desire was leaping upon me like a snake, to ravish her. What would her eyes look like from close? What will her smile make me do? How would she look beneath that dress? What will I say to her to become my girl? I've everything a girl wants; looks, money, brain, even attitude for my own sake! She cannot reject me. I'm way too perfect and she'll be fortunate to have me. I'll find her and I'll make her mine. Soon...' he thought 

The next morning, Rian went to the professor and asked for the girl's information who was singing in the open theatre auditorium. Mr Mahto gave him the student file of her

"hmm, now I can find my love..."
"Name: Kinjal Bhandari
Age: 22
she joined a year ago means when I left, Participated in every science event and won the game. You even won the game of my heart."

He murmured silently reading the document while a smile crept on his face which was glowing from happiness. He had made up his mind to achieve what he wanted, and now he found his new goal. The mind which was stable and satisfied yet with his success was now frenzied for her and wanted her at any cost. He became the prisoner of her beauty and innocence and now he wants her to feel the same he does...

Since that day, he became her admirer. He would smile at her smiles, stare at her by hiding once he gets free from his official task, and ask his juniors who were in the same year as her (3rd year) to not let any guy roam near her. But never bothered her as he knew any obedient Indian girl would surely hate the fact that she had a crazy-in-love stalker. His craze was noticeable after six months by his family, friends, and people who knew him well. He didn't even bother to start a conversation with his family as he was always in his imagination, where Kinjal ruled. He wouldn't talk much, nor hang out with his friends, just stalked her in his own ways. His obsession towards her turned so serious that Kinjal started noticing someone's presence every time she was out of her house, and for sure it haunted her.

One day Kinjal was going to her college to take her last exam, she was wearing a beautiful dark blue suit, her chocolate-like hair tied in a braid leaving few strands on her heavenly face, walking a distance under the sun made her cheeks beautifully flushed matching her fair skin, increasing the beauty, little sweat beads where visible on her forehead until she felt someone's presence which filled her eyes with fear so she increased her speed. After arriving at college she felt safe and successfully attempted her exam.
"Kinjal, my brother is coming to take me. You should come along!" said her friend Divya

"No, you both are going shopping and my house is on another way. It will surely make you late."

"It's fine..." she insisted

"It's okay, I can go, and moreover just a few blocks away don't matter much. No arguing! Go and Enjoy!" with that, she pushed Divya into the car and walked away.

Kinjal's POV~

She was walking down the street when she felt someone following her. It was creeping her out. She fastened her pace and the footsteps behind her quickened too. Her breath was unsteady and heavy. She was internally regretting denying Divya's offer and cursing herself for acting so stubbornly until someone pulled her hand forcefully making her fall. But at the correct time, he saved her by holding her waist.

The tiny lights were buzzing on the trees, cool wind blowing making their hair flow with passion clearing the path of their faces. Kinjal slowly opened her eyes feeling fine glancing at the person holding her. A handsome young boy with beautiful dark orbs eyes, a high sharp nose and thin pink lips with a paradise-featured smile, mesmerised her, blurring the view except him. She was staring into his dark chocolate eyes which were pulling her towards them. The moment was gifted by heaven to them.



Hey there Frosts!

Q. Who's the person?

Q. Is it Rian or Kunnal?

Promising you it's going to be dang cool! :)

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