Twenty Seven

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Part 27

Your pov

"Taehyung let me go" as expected he ignores my command in fact he tightened his grip on my wrist. I hissed in pain but it was inaudible to him. "Taehyung stop! You—" he abruptly stop making me knock my forehead on his back.

"One more word y/n. If I heard just one goddamn word coming out of your precious lips then I won't hesitate to shut you up with my own lips. Do you get it?" He muttered with his deep voice. As deep as the sea.

"Bu— but you are hurting me..." he looked down on my wrist and immediately let go of my hand before he inspected it. "Shit. I'm sorry" he whispers, locking his eyes on mine. The once fire burning gaze that was plastered on his face instantly fell into an apologetic one.

I smile at him and shook my head "it's okay. I know you didn't mean to hurt me" he embraced me into his warmth. "Never in my life I ever thought of hurting you muffin. Never..." he kissed me on top of my head. He cupped my cheek and caress them.

"I'm sorry for whatever fuck up things Jungkook had down towards you. You deserve none of it. You are too precious to deal with his bullshit—"

"Taehyung wait" he set his eyes on me with a frown "the things that you said just now... to Jungkook... Is it true? If I quit you're quitting too?"

He let go of my face and took a step back, locking his lower lip. Slowly he nodded "yes" that single word gives me chills. I wasn't expected for him to say yes. I look at him in disbelief. I laugh awkwardly when I see him fixed his eyes on me.

A very intimidating one.

"Why are you laughing?"

I wave at him and cover my mouth "that is one lame ass joke you have Taehyung" I rolled my eyes and shook my head with a smile on my lips. But soon the smile vanished upon hearing the sentence that left him with so much seriousness. So much firm.

"Who said I was joking about it?..."

I stopped on whatever I was doing and settled my eyes on him. His face shows nothing but fiery eyes. The boxy smile that always tugs on his lips diminished to god knows where. His facial was tense and dark. His eyes filled with anger and hatred.

"What— what happened to you? Why would you do that? This career is everything to you. You work your ass off to get this far. Whatever you are having in your mind is nonsense. Stop doing things for me. Stop whatever you are doing or try to do. I don't like it" our eyes locked together. There was no sound coming from the two us. Only our breathing was heard.

He broke the stares and drop his head low. "I— I don't know. I just—" "just what Taehyung?" His body language making me feel so nervous and impatient. "I just feel the need to protect you. To be with you" he mumbled the four last word slowly but still audible to my ears.

I turn my body around. He was facing my back now. "I don't need anyone to protect me Taehyung. I'm a grown up woman. I can manage myself. I... I survived the most painful chapter of my life remember?" I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh. "I... I don't want to be the reason you quit. I don't want you to quit. This is my problem and not yours. I am thankful for you did and truthfully you have done enough. I can handle everything on my own. And... I need you to trust me, okay?"

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