002 ;; an enticing offer.

Start from the beginning

You didn't finish your sentence as your regard became fixated on the sight that unraveled before you. You stared as a man ran into a younger woman and the two of them got knocked down. The man scrambled to his knees, profusely apologizing for the collision and picked up her fallen drink and straw, handing the items back to her before he widened his eyes.

You curiously glanced to what his frightened eyes were locked on and saw some other men running towards him. He clambered to his feet and quickly jetted away, without sparing anymore regard to the woman he'd knocked over, the other men hot on his tail.

"—[Name]? Hello? Are you there?!"

"Oh." You didn't realize you had detached from the call and quickly responded to your worried friend. "Sorry, I zoned out."

You were about to take another step forward, but halted once you saw the other girl had pocketed some money that obviously wasn't hers. When the fallen girl detected your gaze, you quickly turned away as if you hadn't seen anything and began walking again, chatting to [F/N].


"[G/N]!" You called out once you entered your home, closing the door behind you and taking off your coat and shoes. "Guess what I bought!"

The younger girl emerged from the bedroom the two of you shared and excitedly began bouncing up and down when she noticed the bags in your hands. Though, when she realized that the contents inside were clothes, she lightly frowned.

"I told you I didn't need any clothes," she said.

You hooked one of her eyebrows upwards, placing the bags on the table. "What? But you said you wished your schoolmates would stop bullying you for those ones?"

She nodded to confirm. "Yeah, but you didn't have to waste your money on me, Auntie. I'm alright."

"[B/N] pitched in to help buy you these," you grinned, taking a sweater out and holding it on display for your niece to look at. "Isn't it cute?"

[S/N] nodded again, though hesitantly this time. "Yeah, I guess.. but how much did these cost? [B/N] said you borrowed money from people, so you should've used the money to give it back."

You frowned as [B/N] walked out of his room with a deadpan. "[G/N], don't be worrying about that," he told her. "We're fine. If [Name] wants to make stupid mistakes, let her."

You lightly glared at your nephew. "What has gotten into you lately?" you muttered, handing the sweater to the younger girl. "It's like you're going through puberty all over again."

[B/N] scoffed, rolling his eyes. "However you earn money shouldn't affect our little sister negatively," he then eyed the items suspiciously. "I didn't give you that much. How did you afford all of this?"

"I earned some more," you replied with a small shrug. "Yesterday, at the subway."

The younger male didn't respond, instead he scavenged through the items and happily showed the clothing you had purchased to [S/N]. "If you have any more trouble at school with bullies, tell them that I'll fight their older siblings."

[G/N] giggled as you watched their interaction with softened eyes.

He then told her to go put her new clothes away and she happily skipped into the bedroom that she you. [B/N] then turned to skeptically analyze you. "Another loan shark?"

"No," you frowned. "I earned it, I said."'

[B/N] pondered over your words for a few seconds before staring at her with disgust. "Did you.. [Name]! You're so gross!"

"What?!" you gasped. "How dare you assume that, you sick minded freak! Why are teenaged boys so perverted?! I played a game with a salesman and earned that money. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Whatever," [B/N] said. "I'm going out. You don't need to save me a plate for dinner tonight, I'll probably stay the night at a friend's place."

"Wait, you have school tomorrow—!" you attempted to argue, but got responded with silence from the boy as the door slammed shut. You groaned, placing your face in your palms.


The day quickly faded into nighttime and you were now laying down on the bed that you shared with your niece. [G/N] snored softly as you stared blankly at the ceiling. You then turned her head to look at your sleeping niece, the serene expression on the young girl's face unconsciously you smile.

I can't sleep.

You sat up and adjusted yourself so that your legs were hanging off the side of the bed. Your eyes glossed over to the card on the top of your nightstand and you pursed her lips. You turned to look once again at the young girl, gnawing on your bottom lip— which was a habit of yours.

Fuck it.

You snatched the card from the table and took your phone off of the charger, standing up and quietly making your way out of the room. You closed the bedroom door, ensuring [G/N] was still fast asleep. You entered the bathroom and unlocked your device, dialing the number engraved on the card.

When it started ringing, you held the phone up to your ear and patiently waited for the other line to pick up.

"Hello," the voice on the other line spoke, "who's calling?"

"Uh, hi," you hesitantly said. "I was given a business card with this number on it."

"Do you wish to participate in the game?" You furrowed your eyebrows cautiously, a little weirded out. "If you wish to participate, please state your name and birthdate."

". . ." you paused for a few seconds, before internally sighing. "[Surname] [Name]. [Birthday]."


Standing in the area you were told to be at, you pulled your coat tighter over your shivering body. After another few moments of standing there, a white van pulled up and you knitted your eyebrows together in a confusing manner. The van halted in front of her.

"[Surname] [Name]?" You hesitantly bobbed your head in confirmation. "Password?"

"Uhm.. Red light, green light?"

The backdoor of the vehicle slid open, revealing random people sleeping in the backseats.

Okay, this isn't weird at all.

You reluctantly climbed into the vehicle and the door automatically closed beside you once you were situated in the seat. You looked over at the driver and blinked, processing if your vision was messing with her or not.

The driver wore a red hooded jacket with matching pants and a black mask, but the thing that stood out to you the most was the gas mask placed on his face. Before you were able to utter a word, gas began spewing out of the air vents.

You widened your eyes and worriedly began to gloss around around, accidentally inhaling the smoke, forcing your vision to slightly blur. Gradually, blackness began evading your perception before it fully took over and you unwillingly succumbed to unconsciousness.

You Asked For This ;; Squid Game x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now