20. In memory of Eriko

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Next morning Kade and the old man Daishi went to meet with village authority people, Kade explained his project to them, he explained the hospital will be free for everyone and that is for surgical only so that other medical clinics in the villages won't affect their business, he mentioned, it financially tears apart people who cannot afford costly surgery and sometimes due to financial reasons they don't want to get the surgery, they prefer saving money for their family than going through such costly surgery. The main purpose of opening this free surgical hospital is to help people who cannot afford their surgery, this would help them to utilize that money for them and their children. The local authorities were very happy to receive Kade's proposal of opening a free surgical hospital in the village. They accepted the offer and promised to give him every support they could

They decided the place where hospitals could be built, since it was going to be free, therefore it needed a big place as it was expected to have many people coming for treatments, they would require a big place for an ambulance and motor parking a...

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They decided the place where hospitals could be built, since it was going to be free, therefore it needed a big place as it was expected to have many people coming for treatments, they would require a big place for an ambulance and motor parking as well. They selected the place center of the village which would be accessible easily for people. The land was big and it was close to the lake for easy water access.

The news of free surgical hospital soon spread in the village and other villages too. The people from all different villages were very happy with this initiative, many of the villagers came willingly to give any assistance they could to build the hospital. The construction started and it was completed in just six months. The hospital was built as per Kade's design. The special surgical equipment also arrived from Tokyo after the hospital was built, everything was set at their places, now the hospital was ready to open for everyone, the only thing remaining was naming the hospital, they all knew the reason behind opening this hospital therefore they all decided to name it "Eriko Hospital" 

The hospital made life easy for many villagers, they could now save the surgical money for their future needs. Patients not only from Hitaikoto village but also from other villages started visiting Eriko Hospital too. Kade realized it was going to be more crowded than it was expected, so he asked authorities he would need volunteers from medical college students, this way they would get to learn about surgery and he would also get assistance. The authority agreed with Kade and nearby medical college students were asked to volunteer to help villagers, surprisingly, many students volunteered for their support in the hospitals. The students were getting to learn a lot from Dr Kade on surgical procedures and how to handle patients, everything was going smoothly but Kade's bank account was going low each day by providing the hospital required equipment and medicines. Kade did not care about his money, all he cared about was people.

One day a 13 years old girl named Azumi who was a daughter of mayor of the town got seriously injured with the landslides, the mayor took his daughter to the City Hospital but they mentioned she got serious injuries all over her body and head, and she may not survive, the mayor was really scared losing her only loving daughter, he did not know what to do, at that time one of the cleaning staff mentioned to mayor about the Eriko Hospital in Hitaikoto village, he mentioned the doctor in that hospital had came from foreign country and he is a best surgeon. The mayor at first did not believe the cleaning staff but then he had no any choice, either he could stay here and watch her daughter die or he could take a chance and take her to the Eriko Hospital, he made his decision instantly, he discharged his daughter from City Hospital and took her in Eriko Hospital in an ambulance. When an Ambulance arrived at the gate Kade was speaking on Phone with his father, he saw an ambulance enter the hospital in a rush but the ambulance was from a different hospital. The staff removed the injured girl from the ambulance on a stretcher and stood outside waiting where to take her. Kade told his father he would call back and ran towards the patient. He inquired about the patient and her injuries, the mayor explained about the accident, without any delay he asked staff to take her to the 1st floor ICU, he asked one of his staff to escort them to the ICU meanwhile Kade went to the changing room to prepare for the operation. With the help of three medical students the operation was started, she was really in critical condition but with proper skill, procedure and God's grace she was saved.

Kade came outside and gave the good news to the mayor. "She is unconscious now and will awake in an hour, then you can visit her, she will be fine in a couple of months," said Kade to the mayor. The mayor became so happy that he hugged Kade and started to cry in happiness. He immediately removed the check and signed and gave it to Kade, "you can enter the amount you like" said the mayor in happiness. Kade looked at the blank check and smiled, "Sir, you don't have to pay any money, this hospital is free for any surgical treatment for everyone" Kade smiled again and he returned the check back to the mayor. The mayor did not know what to say, he smiled "at least let me pay for the coffee" requested the mayor, Kade laughed, and they both went to the cafeteria in the hospital managed by the village authorities.

They both sat in the cafeteria, the mayor asked the story behind opening this hospital as he did not know there was any surgical hospital in the village before, by this time many villagers knew the story about Kade and Eriko so Kade did not hide anything and he shared his story. The mayor sat listening to all this and he thought about his own daughter, the City Hospital already gave up on her treatment, if it wasn't for Eriko Hospital and Kade his daughter would not survive. The mayor looked at Kade, "how do you manage all the bills for the equipment and medicines, it must be very expensive" asked the mayor. "I had saved money especially for this, I am managing from my own savings" replied Kade, "but since this hospital is free for everyone then how long will your account manage this hospital?" questioned the mayor. Kade knew he was right, and it was really going to be a problem in future. Kade put his head down "to be honest, I have no idea at this point, but I had decided I will not charge money for any surgical treatments" mentioned Kade.

The mayor smiled "Dr Kade, you have a good heart, and I understand that you don't want to take any money for the treatments, but think about these people, what will happen to them when you run out of money and when this hospital is closed? Then all that has been done for Eriko will be wasted, Right? If you think you will break your promise by accepting the money then I would suggest you should open "Eriko Hospital Trust" where people can donate to support this hospital and to help others. This way this hospital will keep running to help people in need. Kade realized the mayor wasn't wrong, if he wants to keep running this hospital to help people then he should let people donate by their choice so that the same money can be utilized for the hospital supplies. Kade agreed with the mayor's suggestion, and said he will let him know about the "Eriko Hospital Trust" account and then he can donate. They both sat for a few more minutes discussing.

After three years, the Eriko Hospital became more famous in many villages for its free and best surgery. The patients not only from the villages but also from the city started visiting this hospital, with increasing crowds the mayor helped build one more big hospital in the village. The medical students were volunteering in hospitals every year. Many people started donating willingly in "Eriko Hospital Trust'' so that hospitals will keep running especially for poor people who couldn't afford the expensive surgery. 

From the hospital donation fund, they also built one high school under free education for children, the high school was also named Eriko High School

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From the hospital donation fund, they also built one high school under free education for children, the high school was also named Eriko High School. Kade knew who could be the best teacher and principal for this high school, so he called Ms. Rose and explained everything to her. She happily accepted the position as a principal and language teacher. In these years Kade's father, his auntie, Luke and Sara with their baby visited Kade a few times and they were amazed with this growing change in favor of humanity. Kade's father was very proud of him, but one more person was very proud of Kade more than his father, and that was Eriko's father Daishi.

The village had became very popular with Eriko Hospitals and Eriko High School, the mayor of the town decided to name this village after Eriko, now this village was known by "Eriko Village"

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