10. Aisuru (Love)

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After a few days of rest Kade went to college

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After a few days of rest Kade went to college. In college while the teacher was teaching at the board he kept thinking about Eriko and doodling something on his notebook, most of the time he kept smiling in the class. In college Kade's friends thought he had some kind of serious injury on his head as he kept smiling all the time even though they were making fun of him or pulling his legs, but Kade wouldn't care what they talk about him, Kade rather enjoying when they were making fun of him.

At the same time in the restaurant when customers would spilled the sources or break any utensils Eriko was used to get angry at them but now she wouldn't react a bit, she rather smiles at customers as she was telling them they could spilled as much sauces they want and break any utensils they like

Kade was waiting for the day to be over so that he could go to visit Eriko. In the evening when the last period was going, Kade was eagerly waiting to hear bell sounds which indicated the end of the day. As soon as Kade heard the bell sounds he picked up his college bag and left the college building in a hurry. He walked as fast as he could towards the restaurant, the old man's restaurant wasn't very far from the college, but while he was half way there he thought, "what excuse should I make to meet Eriko? I can't tell I had come to see Eriko, that would be totally inappropriate" he kept thinking about an excuse to be made, then an idea came to his mind, he said to himself he came to buy Sushi for his auntie, she likes Japanese food a lot. He liked his idea, so he walked towards the restaurant.

Eriko also kept thinking about Kade, she knew Kade would definitely come to visit. Even though she was working in the home kitchen, she kept her ears on the shop just in case Kade came to visit. On the restaurant door Eriko had hung the Feng Shui bells she had brought from her hometown. Feng Shui had hardly made a sound since it's been hung on the door, but as soon as Kade arrived at the restaurant and opened the restaurant door the Feng Shui made a rhythmic sound as it wanted to indicate something. Eriko was in the kitchen, the sound of Feng Shui floated in the air and sang in Eriko's ears, she had a feeling Kade was here.

Kade went inside and saw the old man was on the counter, "oh, Kade. How are you? How is your leg?" asked the old man. "My leg is totally fine, I don't have any pain anymore. Thanks to your medicines, they were really effective" said Kade. The old man was happy to see Kade. He asked Kade to sit, Kade sat on the table and had a little chat. Even though he was talking with the old man, his eyes were looking for Eriko. He knew he couldn't sit here forever so he decided to use his plan. "Oh! I totally forgot, my auntie likes Japanese food a lot, she asked me to bring Sushi" said Kade to the old man and handed over bills for Sushi price, the old man said he doesn't have to pay but Kade said if he won't accept the money then his auntie won't eat the Sushi so old man took the money. The old man started preparing fresh Sushi. Kade started to have a self conversation "now I can stay here a little longer, but where is Eriko? Is she gone out or is she inside the house? Well I can't go inside the house, so how can I see her" Kade kept asking questions to himself and rubbing both his hands in nervousness. Ten minutes later the old man packed the Sushi "here your Sushi" said the old man, but Kade couldn't hear as he was surrounded by all the questions about how to see Eriko?

Eriko stood behind the doors which were connected to their house in the backyard and kept listening to all the conversation between his father and Kade. Eriko was a fearless girl but this time she was a little scared and shy. She kept standing, sticking to the doors and thinking should she go in?

"Kade, Kade.." the old man shook Kade's shoulder as it seemed to be he was daydreaming. Kade came back to his consciousness and noticed the old man was shaking his shoulder, "oh! I am sorry I was thinking about something" replied Kade. "I see, you're thinking about a new girlfriend, right?" joked the old man to cheer Kade. "Girl? What girl?...no actually......" Kade started to cough in a shocking judgement made by the old man, he kept coughing for a few seconds then he noticed beautiful hands were holding a glass of water in front him, it was Eriko!

Kade looked at glass of water, and then to Eriko, he looked into Eriko's blue eyes. He felt like he didn't need any water as he was drawing in the oceans of Eriko's blue eyes. Eriko felt like she was facing a strong wind coming from Kade and wanted to take her with him but she was holding herself to control as much she could

They were both changing emotionally and attracting towards each other in a strong force as they were both in a different world, in the world of Aisuru (Love).

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