16. Just the gay panic

Start from the beginning

Jess has been an... interesting person in my life lately, I wouldn't exactly call her a friend because as soon as we broke the ice, she started flirting with me non-stop, but she mostly asked me have lunch with her on school, and I think that maybe she was hoping that I'd be the one to ask her out properly on a date.

Nevertheless, her wanting to be seen with me, or not really caring about it, should be an indicator that she really wants to be a part of my life, whether her flirting is aimed to a fling or something more long term. I am still a social pariah, every time she is seen talking with me, she is committing social suicide.

She has even defended me, not one, not twice, not three times, but four times. And I don't need anyone to defend me, but I've got to admit that it feels nice to have someone that it's willing to do it for you.

Jess is great, she should be in my life, that's a fact. But I can't leave Monty, I know that if I have lunch with Jess, I wouldn't exactly be leaving Monty...but I'd miss her, its kinda our thing now.

Just as I finished my inner monologue about why I kept choosing Monty over Jess, I got to her classroom, knocked softly on the door and then pocked my head in.

Monty was on the other side of the classroom, sanding on a chair and trying to grab something from a very high-top shelf. As soon as she heard me come in, she looked at my way and directed me a smile, but when she lost her focus, she stumbled a little and almost fell.

At the last minute she regained balance, but I didn't waste time and went to stand behind her, dropping my backpack on the floor and gripping her small waist with both of my hands to help her keep her steady.

I felt her body go rigid at my sudden action, but she tried to hide it. Me on the other hand, were trying so hard to no look at her ass which I had centimeters away from my face. I was trying so hard not to get lost on the way her skirt and blouse hug her body so perfectly.

"Thank you" Monty said shakily, gazing down a little.

"You're welcome, I just got my cast removed...I don't want you getting one for yourself" I said trying to sound silly and confident, but my voice was as shaky as Monty's.

Monty chuckled, she shook her head and after a few seconds she remembered what she was doing, she stretched so she could reach what she was looking for. And I lost all the little self-restraint I had when she did so, her skirt lifted a little and I was met with her slim thighs. My dirty mind created images of everything I shouldn't be thinking about her...my friend, and my teacher.

Before I could do something, I'd regret later, Monty finished with what she was doing and she tentatively gave me her hand so I could help her get off the chair and safely into to the ground. I tore my eyes away from her curves and quickly gave her my hand.

She carefully got down, but at the last minute the chair slipped, bringing Monty down with it. Thankfully, my grip on her was firm, so I used my arms to bring her towards me forcefully to avoid letting her fall.

Our faces were inches apart, Monty looked at me with surprise and fear due her almost fall, her mouth was slightly open, and her eyes were piercing though mine. I could hear her agitated breathing match mine, and due how close we were I could feel her heart beating a mile per hour.

"Got you" I whispered with Monty still in my arms.

Monty's eyes went from my eyes to my lips, and then back to my eyes, repeating the motion until she bit her lip and I indistinctively started to lean in. The air was filled with tension, and something deep inside me was screaming me to stop, but I pushed it to the back of my mind as I stared at her pink and plum lips that I was dying to kiss from the moment I first saw her.

I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now