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Ezriel knew that cutting things off was probably the right thing to do. But why did it feel so wrong

While he couldn't deny history, Matt was different. So why should he be treated like all the others? He wasn't twisted and vile by nature despite what they wanted him to believe, and he couldn't help but worry that this would cement their isolation even further. Everyone was just so afraid of trusting humans again, but none of them had even seen any in their lives! How could they be so afraid of something they knew nothing about? It didn't sit right with him, and he felt conflicted to the point of tears. He didn't want to do this.

But he kept his feelings hidden during the flight back into town, hardly saying a word to the guard who came with him. None of them had been particularly enthusiastic about the idea of accompanying the prince, except one who actually volunteered. Cyrill, a guard from the palace that Ezriel had only seen around the training grounds a handful of times. She was a bit older than him, but still stronger and faster-- and there was no way she was letting him out of her sight.

The two of them had left at sundown, taking advantage of the shadows cast by the ginormous buildings in town. The place looked so much different at this size, but the prince still remembered his way around. They snaked through the dimly lit streets and stayed out of sight, up until Matt's window came into view and his wings practically stopped working. His flying had slowed to a halt and he perched on the roof of the adjacency building, just across the alleyway.

Cyrill landed right by his side, but Ezriel wasn't looking her way. He stared down at the small bag in his hands, containing the dust spell. He was supposed to remain hidden as much as he could, sprinkle it on something the human touches frequently, then leave without a trace. But how could he just make Matt forget?

He took a long hard look at the window, deciding at that moment to stop following orders once again.

"I-- I can't do this without saying goodbye." He said before darting across the gap and landing on the outer windowsill, placing a tiny hand on the glass pane. But Matt had stopped leaving the window open for him days ago, and Cyrill was quick to try and stop him.

"This wasn't part of the plan!" She hissed, looking at him with a wild expression. Despite her curiosity of the human town that she'd never admit to having, she was still deathly afraid of them.

 "It's alright, nothing bad will happen."

"No, you can't promise that." 

"Please, just trust me." Ezriel pleaded, looking at her desperately.

Cyrill stared at him for a minute, contemplating everything. Her orders were clear, and so were his. She knew that she should just tell him no and to do what he was told for once, but the emotion in his eyes bore right into her soul as the two stared each other down. She eventually allowed it with a short sigh of defeat, figuring that it wouldn't matter since the human wasn't going to remember it later anyway.

She hovered as far away from Matt as she could as he carefully opened the window and beckoned the two inside. Ezriel wasted no time flying in onto the table, but Cyrill hesitated. If just speaking to a human was dangerous, then entering the home of one was practically suicidal.

She gulped as she stared at the brunet, her limbs locking in panic. Despite her training, her usual fight response had now switched to flight-- it was her job to protect the prince, she was supposed to be the brave one here! But there was no way she could defend herself against something like that! He was massive, and could probably crush her in one hand!

But Matt didn't try to reach for her or trap her in any way, contrary to her racing thoughts. Instead he simply backed away from the open window and looked over to Ezriel in confusion, still shocked at their appearance and unsure of what to do.

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