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And Ezriel did enjoy it, more than he knew he should. Matt's practiced fingers were quick to find their place, plucking a sweet melody from the strings that rang throughout the establishment. It was soft and slow, and the notes flowed together so seamlessly that the prince was instantly lost in the sound. He'd seen plenty of performances at the palace before, heard orchestras play grand pieces and heard hymns and sacred songs, but none of it held as much soul as what this human was playing.

And then he opened his mouth, and began to sing. Words like the sweetest honey flew past his lips, a voice so much softer than Ezriel had been expecting. The way he was pulling music from the nothingness in the air was mesmerizing. He was mesmerizing, and the blonde found that he couldn't move his eyes away. The pain in his body faded to the back of his mind as the butterflies in his stomach took over, and he could only sit and watch in wonder.

Song after song played through, with Matt stopping only occasionally to drink some water and soothe his voice. Ezriel hadn't left his chair, still completely enthralled by the noise. A couple of times when Matt was scanning the crowd the two had made eye contact, the brunet’s shining smile only deepening the fairy's fascination. He felt like he could sit here all night, chin rested in his hands as he took in everything around him.

But time slipped away from him. Eventually the building's population had dwindled down into single digits, and the pain that he'd been ignoring this whole time simply continued to worsen. Only when it started to become unbearable and he seriously considered leaving did the music finally stop, and when it did he glanced around. Tanya and Matt were the only two humans left that he could see.

"Good show tonight, Matt!" She called from over her shoulder, busy with closing up behind the counter. "Door's locked now though, so you two'll have to go through the back."  

"Got it." Matt called back, before hopping off the stage and walking towards Ezriel's table. 

"Hey, thanks for coming." He said with a genuine smile, and a small awkward laugh. "No one's ever stuck around for an entire show before. Well, not anyone I didn't know at least." 

Ezriel nodded encouragingly. "It was beautiful, your songs are unlike any I've ever heard before…. But I- I really must be going now." It was hard to stop the nerves from rising in his voice. Had he been staring this whole time? How long had he been here now? Did everything always hurt this much?

"Alright come on, I'll show you the way out." Matt smiled, gesturing with his hand for Ezriel to follow. 

And he did, but as he stood his limbs locked up in protest, causing him to wince. The human clearly noticed but chose to say nothing, simply slowing down his pace to match instead. When they got to the back wall, Ezriel leaned against it for support. It was starting to feel difficult to breathe, and the anxieties of him not making it home in time began to rise. 

Matt had been saying something to him during the short walk, but none of the words were sticking. Only when he turned to face Ezriel with a concerned look in his eyes did the prince finally register his voice. 

"Are you okay dude? Do you need me to call someone..?" Matt asked, biting his lip in worry. He hadn't seen the guy drink anything other than water for the night, but the way he was walking suggested otherwise. 

"I'll be fine," Ezriel dismissed his concern, "I just need to go home." 

Matt gave him a doubtful look, but stepped aside to open the door for him anyway. 

And the fairy's bright golden eyes widened in fear. 

The sun had set, and it was pouring rain.

You Are My Escape (G/T) (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora