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The flight home was more than a little difficult.

Matt had done his best to fix his wing, but it just didn't feel the same as before. It was stiff and awkward, and although it passed the small flight test he'd done on the table before he left, the crack that threatened to tear through it kept Ezriel from putting much force on it at all. He had to fly low and slow and take a couple breaks just to get to the trees, but thankfully it was early enough in the morning that no humans were awake to see him yet.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about back home.

The prince returning exhausted, injured, and magicless was not taken lightly. The scouts stationed around the barrier's outskirts immediately rushed to his aid, and escorted him to the palace's medical care centre on a route that wouldn't be publicly visible. Apparently nobody other than the royal staff and the guards knew about his disappearance; They were good at keeping things hidden like that.

As they re-entered his home, Ezriel felt deeply unsettled. The long winding halls of the expansive palace no longer felt welcoming to him anymore when the fear of what his punishment would be and when it would happen loomed over him like a boot ready to stomp. He said very little as they walked to the infirmary, thankful that very few people along the way had asked him what happened. He could only dodge the inquiries for so long.

The only people that he didn't refuse to answer were the healers, once the three of them were alone in the room together. They gasped at the sight of his wing, immediately pummeling him with questions and gathering supplies to help him out.

"...Something heavy fell on it, and it's a bit damaged from the rain last night." Ezriel explained loosely, climbing onto the examination table and laying down with his wings spread flat. He stared lost into the distance as they worked on him, barley registering the touch.

"Did you try to fix this yourself?" One of them asked curiously, noticing how the end of Ezriel's hurt wing had been pushed back into shape by an unpracticed hand. The actual wing itself also felt different near the end, like it was coated in something strange that wouldn't let it breathe.

Ezriel shook his head. "I had someone help me, although they'd never fixed a wing before." 

The two healers shared a skeptical glance. Whatever this fairy had applied to help the wing recover was clearly not good for it, and they were concerned over who would try to sabotage the prince's flight like this. They tried to pry into it, but Ezriel only gave them short, vague answers until they gave up.

By the end of his visit they had washed as much of the offending residue from his wing as they could, and he was handed a small vial full of clear liquid on his way out.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's a synthetic oil-like substance, similar to what secretes from a normal wing to keep it from drying out." One of them explained. 

"We've put some of it on you already, but you'll need someone to help with the re-application of it over the next few days while most of the damage heals." The other chimed in, and they both traded turns giving the blonde advice.

"If you want to make the journey down here, we could do it for you."

"Just remember, no flying for at least three days." 

Ezriel nodded and gave them his gratitude as they finally let him leave the medical bay. As worrisome as it was, he didn't mention his missing magic to them. He was eager to get away from all of the attention as quickly as possible, but waiting for him on the other side of the doors was another fairy- a messenger, from the throne room.

"Lady Edena wishes to speak with you." She announced with a short swift bow.

Ezriel's insides knotted with anxiety as he followed the messenger back to the main part of the palace, not looking forward to their destination. He always tried to be sneaky about things because he hated confrontation with his mother about his actions the most-- She never understood why he wanted to get away so badly, and always took it as a personal rebellion to her rules. Although he knew she loved him like his brothers, some days it seemed tough for her to show it.

Before he was ready for it, his feet landed him in front of the large ornate doors to the throne room and the messenger bid him farewell, speeding off down the hall. His hand shook lightly as he raised a palm to the door, hesitating for a moment before pushing it open.

Once he stepped inside he was instantly greeted with the gaze of his mother, who looked well beyond agitated. He tried his best to hide his nerves as he walked up to her chair, but the tension only rose as she waved her hand and a few of the palace servants cleared the room

Before he could even get a word out, her voice cut through the air.

"You abandon your post at an important ceremony, assault a guard, leave the barrier, and for what?" Her words were as sharp as they were curious. "To injure yourself? To cause concern? Where did you even go?"

The prince only stared at his feet, lacing his hands behind his back to quiet his nervous habits. 

"I- I went to a clearing in the woods… I'm sorry for causing such panic." He answered vaguely once again, but his apology was completely sincere. He did feel bad about pushing that guard into the water, and about missing curfew and making everyone worry. He shrank away from her voice, choosing to avoid the rest of the questions like he usually did when he got in trouble.

"...But at least I'm home now."

"Yes, and you won't be leaving again for a while." She said with a firm look, before softening up ever so slightly. "At least until we're sure that you won't pull something foolish like this again. You still need time to heal so you will not leave sight of anyone here until then, understood?" 

Ezriel nodded slowly.

"And do not try to confine yourself to the isolation of your room, either." She warned. "You are to attend your lessons as usual, and I will be tasking Galen to put you to work in the archives in the meantime." 

"Yes, mother." He nodded once more, his grip tightening around his wrists. 

"Good." She sighed. "Now go, I have matters to attend to, and you need to rest." 

The prince wasted no time in his departure, turning on his heels after giving her a quick bow. The formality that he had to uphold to his own mother in the presence of others always left a bitter taste in his mouth.

But overall, she was right. He'd made a mistake and these were the consequences-- though they weren't too terrible, he figured. Out of all the palace staff that he knew, Galen was one of the most tolerable to be around and hopefully wouldn't crush him with too many tasks. Still, he dreaded the work. His body remained very tired, and every step he took as he climbed up to his room only cemented his fatigue even more. He paid the guard outside his door no mind as he sulked inside and dramatically dropped onto his bed, staring at the wall while his brain overwhelmed him. 

He knew it hadn't been a good idea to go to the humans, but despite it all he found himself wishing he could do it again. The experiences he had there made his normal life pale in comparison-- he yearned to keep trying the new things that their world had to offer, yearned for the casualty of their lives, yearned to see Matt once more.

But without his magic and under such watchful eyes he was stuck inside indefinitely, and that fact sank like a rock in his hollow stomach as he twisted and turned in his bed for hours. Despite his fatigue it took much too long for him to succumb to sleep, plagued with never ending thoughts no matter how hard the prince tried to shut them out.

You Are My Escape (G/T) (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora