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The front door to the building opened with a little bell ring as he entered, accompanied by the wood of the worn threshold creaking beneath his unpracticed steps. There's quite a few people in here all seated at tables, chatting over drinks and food-- a couple heads in the building turned to face his way as he entered and he bristled, but they soon paid him no mind. He let out a deep breath he hadn't realized he was holding, and found his way to the long counter manned by a lone woman who caught his eye at the door. She wore a short black apron, and had her long dark hair tied up in a messy bun.

"Hey there, welcome to the Steamy Cup, how are you this evening?" She greeted with a smile, and Ezriel wondered if all humans were as friendly as the ones he'd met today. They're probably only nice to their own kind, he thought, but quickly stamped out the fear before it could fester. 

"I'm doing quite well, yourself?" He returned the kindness, wondering if this was the 'Tanya' he was supposed to be talking to. 

"It's been business as usual," the girl sighed, her smile loosening a little. The prince could see the fatigue settle into her features for just a moment before she perked back up. "But not to bother you with that, you don't look like you're from 'round here anyway. Are you here for the music?"

"I am." Ezriel nodded cheerfully,  "And yes, I've never been here before. Quite an idyllic little town you've got." 

Tanya hesitated, but didn't drop her smile. "To some, I guess. From an outside view it must look pretty nice, but we don't often see new faces around here." 

The prince tilted his head in interest. "Why's that?"

"Most folk are superstitious." She shrugged. "The town's had a bad reputation for unexplainable things in the past, but most of that is old or fake and people just haven't let go of it, I guess." 

"Ah, so you don't believe in the tales?" Ezriel asked, a slight smirk settling on his face. These were the kind of humans that his spells hid him from best- the ones that don't believe in anything other than what they can see.

"Not really." Tanya shrugged again, and gave a short wave of her hand. "But I've got to get back to work. I can set you up with a table if you'd like, and some food or drink if you're looking to order." 

"No, it's alright, I haven't brought any currency to exchange. Just a table will do." Ezriel answered with a light shake of his head. It was true, he hadn't really prepared in that sense at all, but money aside he wasn't even sure if he could even eat human food in the first place. So it was probably best to go without. 

Not much more was said between them as Tanya escorted him to a small empty table with a decent view of the stage. She had also brought him a glass of water, insisting that it was free. He was grateful for the hospitality, and it felt nice to be treated so normal, but he knew it couldn't last forever.

He sat down slow in his chair, fighting a grimace. The numb feeling from earlier was now settling as a deep ache throughout his body, the effects of the constant magic starting to take its toll. It was a bit more painful to keep up, but he could push through just a little longer. He had to-- he wouldn't let this night of a lifetime end so soon, despite knowing that he really should be going.

But he didn't want to return home just yet. The prince stared down into his glass of water, swirling it lightly with his hand as he once again thought about the palace, and his escape. He would most certainly be in trouble when he got back, and his supervision would likely increase exponentially. It might take ages for them to let him out of their sight again, and so tonight had to last. 

After a couple minutes of sitting there lost in his thoughts the lights on the stage switched on with a buzz, catching his eye. Most of the chatter in the room quieted down as their attention fell on the same man Ezriel saw earlier, his guitar in hand as he appeared from behind the stage.

"Good evening everyone," he spoke up, taking a few steps to the middle of the platform towards a device that seemed to amplify his voice.

 "Most of you know me already, but to those who don't my name is Matt, and I'll be playing some songs that I wrote tonight. I hope you enjoy." 

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