Lorelei nods as she sits on the edge of the bed. You sip your soup eyeing her suspiciously. The two of you weren't exactly friends.

"They have. They're such sweet boys, Y/N. You're so lucky to have such a beautiful family and home,"

A smile tugs at the corner of your lips.

"I am. I count my blessing every day,"

She twirls a curl around her finger.

"What's it like to be married to a man like Michael Jackson? Is it everything a girl dreams of?"

You shrug.

"I guess. He's a great man and I love him and he loves me. That's all that matters,"

Suddenly the bedroom door opened and in walked the aforementioned subject.

"Baby!" You exclaimed.

Michael had been in Brazil for a few days shooting a music video. If you were in good health you and the boys would have made it a family vacation.

"Hi, Y/N. Hi Lorelei,"

He shrugs out of his jacket before approaching the bed and stooping down to kiss you.

"How was Brazil, honey?" You ask.

Michael grins before moving a piece of hair from your face.

"Not as fun without you," he replies.

You grin.

"We were just talking about you, "Lorelei giggles.

You send a glare her way as Michael chuckles.

"All good things I hope,"

Lorelei giggles some more, only deepening your disdain.

"You're amazing," she stands up from the bed. "Well, I'll give you two some privacy. Make sure to eat all your soup Y/N,"

"She sure is nice," Michael mumbles as she closes the door.

You roll your eyes.

"Michael," you start slowly. "Why did you hire Lorelei?"

The elephant had been in the room for too long and it was time to address it.

His arched eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he sinks on the mattress.

"You wanted a nurse, Y/N,"

"Yes, but why her? Is it because she's pretty? Does she turn you on, Michael?"

You fold your arms across your chest, awaiting an answer.

"What?!" Michael exclaims. "Why would you ask me that, Y/N? I had no idea what she looked like. She was highly qualified. I did what I thought was best for you,"

You suddenly feel guilty. You knew Michael was doing everything he could  to make sure you got well.

"I just had to be sure. I am an invalid with no sex drive after all," you sigh.

Your husband sighs as he rolls on his side to face you.

"Baby, I made a promise to be with you through sickness and health. Nothing is going to break that,"

You manage to grin.

"I love you,"

You felt tired after you ate your lunch and took a much-needed long nap. However, your peaceful slumber was ruined by a stabbing pain in your abdomen.

"Michael!" You moaned in pain.

The room was dark with the exception of your bedside lamp and Michael was nowhere to be found. Slowly and carefully you got out of bed but when you stood up you felt like the room was spinning and you might vomit.

Reverie - Michael Jackson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now