001 ;; the root of all evil.

Start from the beginning

"I don't like his friends. They're bullies."

"I see." You took your shoes and coat off, placing them in their designated areas before turning back to regard your ten-year-old niece. "Well, how was school?"

The girl only shrugged again, walking into the small kitchen area. "It's okay, I guess, but I wish it was better," she quietly muttered. "Everyone's always so mean to me about my clothes and never having any good food for lunch," she pouted, gesturing towards her ragged clothing with holes and stains that had obviously accumulated during her time of playing outside for hours on end.

You frowned, following her into the kitchen and beginning to scavenge around the cabinets for supplies in order to assemble dinner. "I'm sorry, [G/N]. I promise that we'll be living good very soon and no one will ever bother you again," you sent the little girl a reassuring grin. "Has [F/N] stopped over?"

Your niece shook her head. "Uh, not that I know of, but maybe [B/N] heard from her. He got off school earlier than I did."

You placed your hands on her hips while sending an expectant gaze towards your niece. "Don't tell me he's skipped school again." Once more, [G/N] simply shrugged her shoulders, which is definitely her go-to move to indicate her cluelessness. You sighed with slight frustration. "What am I going to do with him?"

About an hour later, the two of you had situated dinner and sat down at the table, making sure to save a plate for your nephew. You noticed that [G/N] was staring curiously at her as you took a bite of your food. You quirked an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"You're in some kind of trouble, aren't you?"

You immediately saw white as you almost choked on your food, letting out a strangled cough. You grabbed a napkin and quickly covered your mouth with it, staring bug-eyed at your niece. When you were positive that you weren't dying from the food being lodged within your throat, you finally spoke with a strained smile. "Of course not! I'm perfectly fine. Where in the world did you get that idea?"

[G/N] frowned, picking at her meal. "That hand print on your cheek," she pointed out, making you instinctively raise your hand to cover the mark on your cheek. "It's okay, Auntie. You can tell me when you're in trouble. Does it involve money?"

For a moment that felt like eternity, you stayed silent and glared down at your lap. The last thing you'd ever wish is for your niece to be worrying about your financial status, but you knew that it was bound to come eventually. After all, [G/N] is a little mature for her age. Having to grow up so quickly was something that you tried helping her avoid and instead opted to encourage her to enjoy her childhood.

"Okay, yes. I'm in a little bit of trouble, but I promise that there's nothing to worry over." You hoped that your smile was believable. "This is the only way I'm going to be able to give us a proper life."

"We're okay, though." [G/N] tilted her head innocently. "We don't need money.. well, not desperately," she mumbled, looking away. "I'm okay with my clothes and we have food on the table. You don't need to do any of that extra stuff."

Before you were able to respond, the front door had swung open and the two of you instantly fixated your attention towards the entrance. Your nephew then slammed the door shut so harshly that the frame rattled. The oldest sibling quickly jumped to her feet and rushed to the battered and bruised boy.

"Oh my God, [B/N]! What happened?! you worriedly gushed, scanning your seventeen-year old nephew and winced everytime you saw a bump, scrape, or bruise on his body. After having analyzed his rough form, you huffed. "Please don't tell me you're fighting again!"

[B/N] silenced your concerned complaints by stuffing some money into your hands, taking you aback. He then lowered his voice, almost into a hushed whisper after he ensured that your niece wasn't listening in. "Buy [G/N] some new clothes with this. I heard she was getting bullied for those ones at school."

You Asked For This ;; Squid Game x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now