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A/N: This chapter did not undergo enough editing. But it will be enough for reading. Scenes and sentence constructions are liable to change.

"I think I should say it all from the beginning, some of which you might have known."

"Whatever," Clara said, taking a peep out her window.

That gave him a go.

I was in high school, just entering senior high school to be precise - age 16. I had two elder brothers. Our age ranked just a year difference. Benjamin was the eldest and was an attraction to girls more than Benedict and I was. I have to say, that ran in our family gene. Even my parents had the same trait. Benjamin used to boast and tell us about his amazing tales, leaving Benedict and I a bit jealous.

Clara chuckled.

That's just the introduction. Well, on one of my first classes as a senior high school student, there was this girl I met.

She was sitting right beside me, so I could view her perfectly. Her dressing was way too lovely for a new student. The sun's ray glittered as it touched her skin. Her perfume filled the entire class like some nasty gas, and fortunately, it didn't itch the nose. It made the nose sniff, sniff, sniff, so much sniffing they became like pigs.

The boys' attention, including mine, divided. From time to time, we kept on taking flash looks at her. Some were even foolish enough to stare longer. She gained a very large amount of attention that day. She probably wanted it - dressed extravagantly to make an impression on her first day as a senior high school student - a fresher in the school.

Well, during lunch break, she didn't go anywhere. Though everyone should have left the class empty, some students stayed. Most of them were boys, I included. The girls were just few, formed a silent group at one corner of the glass.

Though we were sparsely arranged in the class, we knew each other's secret aching and were silently urging one another to go first with eye movements and gritting of teeth and silent pounding of fists on the desks.

One of the boys, Julius, got fed up with the silly game of urge and approached her. As usual, he greeted her casually and her reply was just the same. Except it was warmer and far less crude as Julius was. Her voice was rich and sweet, a total contrast to Julius.

Julius went ahead and told her his name. She in return told him hers - which she mentioned was Sophie - and they shook hands.

"Sophie," Clara chipped in. "I remember her."

Julius obviously went out of wits because his expression went blank, and he probably wanted to devise some means. We all watched him; the boys, Sophie, even the girls at the corner of the class.. His face went numb, and we could see the uneasiness that made his forehead sweat. Some of the boys snickered as they had their eyes pinned to his eyes.

He knocked her bag on the floor with his leg, but without Sophie noticing. I guess he wanted to make it look like a mistake, but I knew what it was, how his hand moved. It was a total deliberate act. Where I sat I shook my head; that was a very terrible means to devise. When she realized in that instance her bag had fallen, she made an attempt to pick it up. Julius offered to help and picked it up for her.

"Thank you," Sophie muttered and without waiting for reply, took the bag from his hand and walked out the class.

The smile on his face as he turned around to face us smelled of triumph and delight, and it was more disgusting than fresh chicken poop. Three boys who'd happened to watch him with more intensity fervor launched at him from their seat and, poking their eyes into his face, slammed from their mouths threatening messages that his turn was over; he should step aside. Julius, being Julius, the carefree idiot, ignored them and walked out of the class.

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