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Jisoo wore her shoes as soon as she could and took her jacket. She was going to go down, but thought of taking Taehyung and Jungkook with her. She went to Taehyung and Jungkook's door and knocked hard.

When nobody opened the door, she turned the nob hoping the door not to be locked. As soon as she turned the nob, the door opened, but she was met with an empty room.

She panicked more and ran down the stairs. She had no idea where to go, but she knew she had to find them.

Jisoo didn't dare call the teachers or staff because she thought she couldn't trust them enough. So she went alone outside the hotel, looking here and there. She was running all the way from the hotel until she reached the forest.

She took a deep breath in and ran inside the forest, searching for them frantically. She had come a long way inside when she heard some screams. She immediately recognized the voice to be Jennie's and ran towards the voice.

As Jisoo ran, the screams got louder. Her legs were already shaking and were refusing to move. But still she dragged herself closer to the voice.

At a little distance she could see a person over Jennie. She couldn't see who the person was because she was on the backside of the person. She clasped her hands over her mouth in shock and slowly moved a bit more close to find out that the person was chocking Jennie.

Jisoo couldn't hold back her voice any longer and let out a scream.


The person a little far away from her immediately whipped his head and Jisoo almost froze there to see Jungkook.

Jisoo couldn't believe her eyes. Jungkook was trying to kill Jennie?! She froze in her spot.

Jungkook's eyes widened to see Jisoo standing over there.


He cursed turning his attention to Jennie again, tightning his grip to the fullest, chocking all the air out of Jennie's lungs. Jennie threw her legs for the last time trying to catch her last breath, but within seconds her body went still and her head dropped to a side.

Realizing his job was done, Jungkook immediately got up from over Jennie's body and made a haste move towards Jisoo.

Jisoo, who was frozen in her spot saw Jungkook almost running towards her and instinct made her run the other way too.

"Why do people love to get themselves killed so much?" Jungkook grunted under his breath and ran faster behind Jisoo.

Jisoo was quite a bit away from Jungkook, so Jungkook was having a hard time catching up to Jisoo with all the snow already decreasing his speed.

Jisoo kept running, panting hard, her legs wobbling with fear and tiredness. Tears running down her face, only the image of Jennie's last breath leaving her body replaying in her head. But still she kept running. She didn't know what else to think. All she could do now was run. And that's what she did. But she had no idea what was about to come in her way.

Jungkook saw Jisoo was running straight deeper into the forest, so an idea came to his mind. He quickly changed his route, taking a left turn, he started running in a semi circle way to the route Jisoo was running on.

This way Jungkook would reach in front of Jisoo. He was basically overtaking Jisoo with a different route. And that's exactly what happened.

Jungkook could hear Jisoo running towards him at a distance. He quickly hid behind a tree, keeping his ears sharp waiting for Jisoo to cross him. Suddenly he started scanning the ground around him, as if he was searching for something. Then, his eyes fixated on what he was looking for and his lips formed a smirk.

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