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It was half past nine in the morning. Jung Hoseok was sitting in his classroom for his first class of his final year in college. He was going through his phone when he heard the bell and kept his phone aside to take out his books. While looking for his pen in the bag, he found an envelope. A name was typed on it:


'Is somethings special today? Hope I am not forgetting anything.' He thought while opening the letter.

Your girlfriend will be dead before you know it. She is probably drowning in the pool trying to save you.

At first he didn't understand what he read, so he went through the words again. He immediately got up from his seat and stormed out of the classroom, running towards the college pool. He was still trying to process what he had just read.

'She is drowning trying to save me!? What!?'

When he reached, he saw that somewhere in the middle of the pool, someone was trying hard to stay on the surface. And the pool was turning...red?

He recognized the person to be Rosé and was going to jump when he saw a girl, who was closer to where Rosé was, jump in the water.

Hoseok didn't know what to do, he was too tensed to do anything. He just stood there watching the girl swim towards Rosé.

The girl got a hold of Rosé and swam towards the poolside. Hoseok came back to his senses and rushed towards the side the girl was swimming to.

He reached out to lift up the senseless Rosé from the pool and layed her on the pool side.

"Rosé? Rosé?! Rosé wake up!!" Hoseok was shaking Rosé and patting her cheeks but she wasn't opening her eyes.

"She needs CPR. She has taken in a lot of water." The girl said.

"What?" Hoseok asked confused.

"Move." The girl kneeled beside Rosé. She turned Rosé to one side letting the water in her nose and mouth drain. After that she turned Rosé on her back again and started performing CPR.

"Blow in her mouth while pinching her nose." The girl said not looking up, continuing with her measured pumps on Rosé's chest.

"O-Ok." Hoseok took deep breaths in and started blowing in Rosé's mouth.

After sometime, which felt like forever, Rosé choked and turned to one side throwing up water. She laid back panting and breathing heavily, her eyes closed.

"Rosé! Oh my God! Are you okay?!" Hoseok broke into tears. It was like he was so shocked that he had forgotten he could cry.

"Ho- Hoseok?" Rosé said opening her eyes slowly.

"Oh my God Rosé I was so scared!"

Rosé sat up pulling Hoseok in a tight hug while breaking into tears.

"You are alive!" "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Rosé asked trembling, looking at Hoseok.

"Yes I am fine! I thought something happened to you!" Hoseok said cupping Rosé cheeks.

"I- I thought I lost you forever, but she saved your life." Hoseok said looking up towards the girl.

Rosé didn't know what to say, so she just  smiled at the girl placing a hand to her heart.

For a second Rosé seemed to be in deep thought.
"B-but if you are here then who is that?" Rosé said pointing towards the red tinted pool.

The girl again jumped in the water, vanishing deep down. Hoseok and Rosé kept looking at the pool hoping to see God knows what.

Soon the girl surfaced, swiming to the poolside. She pulled something out of the water and dropped it in front of them. Rosé gasped.

"Is that a-" Rosé started.

"A dummy!?" Hoseok completed.

In front of them laid a dummy, more like a mannequin, dressed up like a guy. It could be seen that some sort of cotton like material had been stuffed into it, probably to make it heavy. It also had a hole in its stomach from which some kind of red liquid was seeping out.

The three of them were looking at it, trying to figure out the situation in front of them.

The girl suddenly looked up from the dummy and asked Rosé.
"How did you end up drowning in the pool?"

"I got a letter which said that my boyfriend was probably dead drowning in the pool and-"

"You got a letter too?!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Rosé asked confused.

"I got one too. It had your name on it. And it said that you were probably dead drowing in the pool trying to save me!" Hoseok said now eyes widening as he understood what the letter actually meant.

"Wait- So both of you got a letter saying that either of you were in some dying situation? And then this- thing." The girl said pointing at the dummy and looking at it suspiciously.

The three of them were in deep thought, until Rosé broke the silence.
"Do you think someone pranked us?"

"Why would someone do such a nasty prank?!" Hoseok said.

"Actually it's possible, considering the fact that you two are the most famous couple of the college...
I hope you know what I mean." The girl said crossing her hands over her chest looking at the two.

"Well you are not wrong-" Hoseok started but got cut off.

"You're right! There are a lot of people who really hate us because they can't date us. But this-" Rosé stopped realizing that the matter is quiet serious.

"I think we should let the college handle the situation. Let's go to the head Principal." The girl said.

"Yea you're right." Hoseok said getting up and helping Rosé up.

"Thank you so much for saving us. I really don't know what to say except that. I cannot describe it in words how much I am grateful to you." Hoseok said.
"By the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Jennie."

"You mean- Jennie Kim?" Rosé asked looking rather surprised.


"Aren't you the scholar of our batch?" Rosé asked recalling.

"Uhh yes I am." Jennie replied getting a bit awkward.

Hoseok and Rosé, were the most famous couple of the whole college. Hoseok being one of the hottest guys, everybody wanted to have him as a boyfriend and Rosé being one of the hottest girls, everybody wanted to have her as a girlfriend. And also they were part of one of the most famous groups of the college.

And then there was Jennie. A nerd, who always kept to herself and apparently didn't have any friends. Everybody knew a 'Jennie Kim' existed as she's the scholar but nobody really knew her.

Now the most famous couple meeting a girl who was just the opposite of what "famous" meant, was kind of awkward for both of the parties. So they just somehow ignored the awkwardness.

"Let's go to the Principal then, and also ask for some dry clothes for the two of you." Hoseok said as they all headed to the Principal's office.

"Your tshirt is wet too though." Rosé said looking at the wet patches on Hoseok's tshirt.

"This is gonna dry." Hoseok replied kind of unbothered.

The Principal said he would look into the matter. He thanked and praised Jennie for being such a saviour. He also asked Rosé if she wanted to go home but Rosé insisted on staying. The Principal arranged for some dry clothes for Jennie and Rosé to change into.

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Word Count : 1245

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