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Y'all I'm sick so I'm sorry if this sucks (I don't have covid, it's just runny nose and sneezing gives me headaches [I can taste the hot cocoa my mom made]) but have fun :)

I slipped my suit on and tucked the earpiece in my ear. I heard a quiet static which I assumed as normal.

Knives, check, gun, check, mini hidden blade in my hairpiece, check. Screw the mask, let them know it's me.

I'll be on tv, everyone will search for me. But I can hide. I'll be as free as I please.

"Plan Levent is go," I heard Nori's voice come through.

I made sure none of my weapons were visible and headed out the door, tipping my head down so the visor of Jo's hat is covering my face. Not that I needed to; I'm still in the middle of the woods. If anyone passes, they're not making it through.

My pace was a fast walk, or in other words, gay-walking, and leaves of all color crunched beneath my feet. A tune was stuck in my head, and I stepped to the beat. It's annoying, the last thing Nori played.

"They say all teenagers scare the living shit out of me!" It's not leaving my head for a while. And that was one of the few lines my brain recited, but at least it's not some other dumb shit, like that Reese's Puffs song.


I can see the edge of the woods. People can probably see me, if they're paying attention, but a random girl emerging from the woods has nothing to do with them. Mind your business.

"I'll know when the Avengers leave, I'll alert you and Jo immediately." Nori said out of nowhere.

"Cool. Am I on line with Jo, too?"

"No. I've got two headsets, and they refused to connect. I'll just pass messages."

"Son of a-"

I casually walk down the sidewalk. I know my destination and how to get there - I could see it from my window in the tower. And no doubt, in the far distance, faded into the city, stood the ugly, gigantic monstrosity.

Down the road, I find a different beat to step to, walking faster and faster - but not suspiciously. No one spared me a second glance, and I'm sure it only looks like I'm listening to music with a wireless earbud. No biggie, some random 19 year old listening to music on a walk in a busy city, ready to go murder some people for the attention of the "heroes".

Now, normally cops show up to these situations, but they can't take me down, they'll call the Avengers in and I'll kill them in that very building. Right in front of anyone I've left alive, I'll make them watch their heroes die.

I open the door. Casual enough, I looked like another parent here to pick up their kid. I look more like an older sibling, in my opinion, but it's all crazy now.

I wouldn't bother with torturing the principal, but he'd warn the school, and I was a bit of fun before times up.

"I'm in," I whispered, my lips barely moving. I open the office door, smiling kindly.

"Can I help you?"

"Hey! Um, I was just wondering if I could pick Natasha up a bit early? She has an appointment."

The principal - Mr. Jameson - looked me up and down. "You don't look familiar. I'm good with faces. What's your name?"

"Oh-" I reached for my pocket, "here's my information card, it's easier," I pull out my gun and point it at him. They'll hear this gunshot, people will run. Jameson's eyes widened immensely and I didn't give him much longer to react before I pulled the trigger.

There was ultimate silence, then Nori's voice, "All good?"

"Good," I echoed, hiding the firearm before sprinting down the hall like a terrified parent searching for her kid.

I passed a man, who must be half deaf, still reading like nothing happened. "I need to find my sister! Natasha, please! There- there was a gunshot, and-!"

"Calm down, lady. There was no gunshot, your sister is just fine."

I pulled the gun on him. "Don't lie to me." Boom!

Down the hall, I open fired on everyone that passed. They've all done something in their lives to deserve it, pesky teenagers. Who's scaring who now, fuckers?

The screaming, the echoing shots, the blood sweat and tears. All of it was just a masterpiece. Girls sobbed and screamed, ringing up their mommies and daddies for help, the boys shocked and trying to throw things. Never thought that they'd suck so bad at their own hobbies. The teachers were usually the first to go, classroom to classroom. Many escaped, I wouldn't bother chasing them. I want the Avengers here.

"Come out with your hands in the air!"

"The cops are outside," I whispered. "Mascente or Jamilisie?"

"Jamilisie," came the response. I found a door that lead outside, many men and women standing with their guns raised, red dots flashing across my chest.

I tossed my gun aside, throwing my hands up. One of them was brave enough to step forward. I took it as a challenge. He approached me, grabbing my wrist. I tugged back, spinning us around as shots echoed in the air. I watched - and enjoyed - the look of pure shock on his face as he was pelleted with bullets, whether they penetrated the vest or not.

I went around, the many soldiers hitting the ground as I fired back with another gun - my previous challenge was: how many weapons can invisibly sit in my suit?

One shot, two shot, three shot, four shot, all I hear is gun shots, this is where the gun stops. Bodies drop, hit the floor, music's off, party stops. Everybody hit the door, somebody's lickin' shots off!

They were all on the ground. I kicked their guns away. No use in them fighting now, it's obvious who's winning.

One of them weakly turned their head, pressing a button on the radio, "Get the Avengers, she's got strength and brains,"

"Ah, yes, call in your little heroes, they'll come save you! They'll save the day!"

A voice poked through the radio, full of static. "Who? Can you make out her face?"

The woman stared at me. I cocked my head to the side, glaring grudgingly.

"Bela Stark."

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