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Everything is dark and I'm continuously pushed forward, stumbling every time. I hear the familiar click of a gun cocking and cold metal pushes into my back.

"Move faster." He jabs me with the weapon.

My feet shuffle underneath me, moving quickly as a door slams behind me. Or in front of me, I don't know, I can't see!

Ropes bind my wrists, rubbing them and making them burn as I shift to move forward. I'm shoved down, landing in a chair. The bounds are released and there's a loud click!

The bag was torn from my head and light assaulted my eyes, forcing me to groan and squeeze my eyes shut.

When I have the ability to open them, it's to look at bounds around my wrists once again, but metal. Something I definitely can't escape from.

There's a sharp pain in my right arm and I look over, a needle filled with a neon green liquid sticking out of me.

"What are you doing? What is that? What's happening?" I test the metal restraints but they don't move an inch. All the men in black suits and sunglasses stand around with their hands folded in front of them, not moving either.

You know who wears sunglasses inside? Assholes.

As the man with the needle draws it from my arm, metal closes around my legs, waist, and arms. A metal semi-sphere lowers over my head.

There's a searing pain flooding throughout my body and I can't help but scream, the feeling of thousands of tiny needles penetrating my skin at every joint becoming excruciating.

This newfound pain seems to last forever, coursing through my veins. It's like I can feel it, like there's a new liquid inside of me, and, unlike blood, I can feel it moving throughout my person.

I don't know exactly how long it lasted, but my vision has many black dots that spot my vision in random areas. I try to blink them away, only to find my inability to move.

I lay there, my breath being the only thing I hear for a few minutes. Or hours. Day? Who knows.

The restrains unhook from around my limbs and the door opens. The men that had apparently left, returned.

I can't see much, but I can hear the men.

"Put her under."

"But sir—"

"Did I stutter?! Put. Her. Under!"

"Yes sir."

A final needle sticks in my neck and the black vision overpowered me. My mind went blank and the world left my side.

When I wake up again, light bombards me, but at least I can move now. I lift my arm to shield my eyes and see hundreds of tiny red dots lining the entirety of my arm.

Same on my other arm. I lift my shirt, and they're on my stomach, too. And don't forget about my legs.

The room is entirely silent with the excuse of the humming that emanated from the lights above me. I look around at the white walls, white table I'm on, everything's white. I'm the only color here.

"Hello?" I don't know why I thought that was useful. It's like calling out to the murderer in the kitchen. Do you, like... expect him to answer? 'Yo! I'm in the kitchen, come on out!'

I slid off the table, pain shooting through both my legs. Wow. Apparently they were in my feet too.

I hold onto the edge of the table, slowly lowering weight to the ground. No bounds, no men, and no doors. Or windows.

Not long after walking around in aimless circles, the pain in my legs and everywhere else subsided, leaving me to feel numb and alone.

I run my hands along the wall, knocking on them.


I ran my fist into it multiple times, a crack running along, widening every time I slam my fist into it.

I draw my fist back, and with the hardest hit of all, blood spurts from my hand as the wall cracks wide open, a large enough hole to fit through.

Three of the men in black suits and folded hands stand still with their stupid sunglasses laying neatly on their noses.

"Good gob, you passed the first test." The man in the middle said.

"The... first? Test?" I look between the three of them. The middle man is the only one to move or make any noise whatsoever.

"Follow me." He beckons, turning around and opening a door that I hadn't noticed before when the wall broke open.

When I don't move, the other two men draw guns, the first motion I had ever seen them make. Smooth, too, not a struggle in the slightest.

They're agents, I think to myself. I jog after the other man as he was already out the door.

I pull it closed behind me, sighing in relief that I still have my life. He walks down a long hall that extents many yards. He doesn't turn around or make any movement that could corrupt his perfect stride.

Everything they did seemed planned and practiced. He strode to the only door that stood out, pulling a card from his pocket and scanning it, then leaned forward.

A horizontal green line shone, moving vertically up and down ups eye. There was a loud buzzing and the door opened. He walked in and I already knew to follow behind him.

It was likely there were hidden machine guns that would eliminate me if I made one wrong move.

When the door closed behind me, I looked around. The floor was wood, there were windows lining one wall and mirrors lining the other two that didn't touch the only door.

There was an older woman and younger women. The older one was standing in place, watching the others as they danced around.

The girls are mostly on their toes, tu-tus flapping around as they spin, their arms in perfect sync. They looked like porcelain dolls, just perfect.

I noticed a red head, her body containing the same needle scars as me. Maybe a bit older, but it was visible.

The 'agent' approached the still woman.

"You'll destroy them."

"They'll destroy themselves." Her voice was light but tinged with evil.

"Give them a break."

"Only the weak need breaks. Bring her to me." She didn't peel her eyes from the younger girls.

The man motioned for me to come closer and I stepped in front of the woman.

Her eyes quickly moved to me, looking me up and down. "She'll do swell."

"How long?"

"Anytime will do."

He nodded and left. The woman waited until the door was shut to speak again, not looking at me but at the dancers.

"Wipe the blood from your hands, girl. And dress yourself."

I look at my hands, which were smeared in red. My fist had stopped bleeding but it hadn't bothered me in the first place, I had never felt it.


I draw my attention back to her and frown.

"Yourself! Didn't you hear me?" She glared at me and I glared back. "Go!" She pointed to the far wall, where few dresses identical to the dancers' remained, shoes dangling beneath.

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