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Figuring there's a gun somewhere somehow or at least something to hurt or kill me, I oblige.

"Do I change... out here?" I question. The door I came from was the only one and this seemed to be the time for dumb questions. Then maybe I wouldn't 'do' for this.

"Obviously. Hurry it up, girl."

I glance at the dancers and the red head with the similar scars is smiling at me. I smile back before making my way to the dresses. I'd never been one to appreciate my body, and even though I'm not trying, my movements are very hesitant. I will myself to move faster but that's not exactly how it works. Not for me, anyway.

I glance at the other girls again. It felt weird to be looking at their no-no areas but I didn't want to ask that lady another question.

None of them were wearing bras. No straps or wrinkles under the tight dresses that speak 'under here'.

I kneel down, my back to everyone and slip my shirt off, un clipping my bra and letting it fall from my shoulders. Cold air intrudes my arms and I take the under-top from the dress and put it on. I had no idea what I was doing but that doesn't seem to matter.

Right, now the pants. This'll be fun.

I slip the rest of my clothing off quickly, fumbling with the pants as I nearly tear them on my toes from hurrying.

The rest of the dress fits over well, slightly squeezing my stomach but that was barely noticeable.

"You better not have gotten blood on that dress, child." I hear the lady speaking, obviously to me.

I looked around at myself, checking for any red staining the white and pastel pink.

"I didn't."

"I didn't say you could speak. Hurry to the restroom, girl, and clean your hand."

I sigh quietly, tying the ballet shoes around my ankles.

"Where's the restroom?"

"Don't ask stupid questions."

"Well I don't know where it is and I don't believe I'm allowed to roam around out there." I beckon towards the door.

The woman glares at me, ice cold daggers. Some of the girls throw me worried glances but I ignore them as the oldest lady angrily walks toward me.

"Don't talk back."

I look up at her, not blinking once.

"Yes, ma'am, I just need to know where the bathroom is so I can follow your directions."

She hastily points towards the door I came through.

"I know that part, Lady, I'm gonna need more information than that."

"Figure it out."

"That would likely get me killed. I don't trust myself with that."

"Learn to." She grabs both my shoulders and thrusts me towards the door. I fall to my knees and a few of the girls snicker.

"Zip it." I growl, making my way to my feet and brushing off my dress. I walk toward the metal door and pull it open. It didn't have an eye scanner like the other side.

Maybe if I get locked out, I won't have to come back.

The door shuts behind me and I'm stuck in the hall with many doors on both sides, all the exact same except for the one I came from.

I look down both ways, but there aren't any cameras or agents. I decide the only way to figure out my way around is to test it.

I open the door directly across from me, but the entire thing is empty. I try the door beside it. Empty.

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