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I wake up the the terrifying sound of screaming, only to realize it's just my bedside machine beeping in my ear.

Eh, same thing.

I slowly climb out of the heavenly clouds I call my bed and make my way to the closet in which I am still hiding in to this day.

At least it wasn't dark in here, there were pretty bright rainbows. I still didn't understand how my parents didn't know. My closet is literally in rainbow order.

Anyway, I grab the gayest clothes I have and don't bother to take my time to put them on. I'll just take them off again after school so why bother?

I make my way downstairs, walkin' fast, but stop when realization hits me.

It's Sunday.

I had already gotten to the last step so I just laid on the cold ground, curling up on the tile. Despite the discomfort, I fall asleep in place.


I wake up in bed and assume my mom had found me and dragged me back up here.

I look over my shoulder to realize it was only 6am.

It was 6:30 when I went downstairs. I slept a day? Then today is Monday... I got another hour.

I throw the blanket back over my head and fall asleep again.

When I wake up, it's not to my alarm, but my mom shaking me.

"Wake up, hun." She whispered.


"It's noon, you need to wake up now."

"Noon?" I open my eyes, checking my alarm. It was in fact noon. "No! Why didn't you wake me up for school?"

"Because it's Sunday." She said in more of a question than a statement.


"You- when you went to sleep last night, it was Saturday."

"But I woke up at 6:30 and went downstairs and fell asleep on the floor and I woke up again but it was 6 in the morning so I slept the whole day, today's Monday!"

"You haven't been downstairs."

"Did I... dream that I woke up and fell asleep again?"

"I guess so." She shrugged. I shake my head, laying back on my pillow.

"I'm still allowed to go to the party later, right?"

"Yeah. I'll just tell your father you went to Jacobs, no more details."


She nods and walks out my door, leaving it open a crack. I sigh, reaching over my beds edge to pull out the stick I created for these exact situations.

I line it up with the door and push it closed without leaving the comfort of my bed.

I put on quiet music and text Jacob and some other friends, waiting for the day to pass by.


*incoming call from: Lizard 🦎*

"Hello?" I say as I pick up the phone.

"Hey, you almost ready?"

"Yeah, just a few minutes." I look at myself in the mirror. I was clearly going to take an hour but a few minutes to an hour... not that big of a time difference.

"I'll come pick you up, you mom still say it's okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine with her. Surprisingly."

"Tell me about it."

"I just did."

"Whatever. Anyway, party starts in an hour but I'm coming in about thirty. Meet me outside."

"I will."


"Bye." I set my phone down and wait for him to hang up before I make my way to the rainbow section, finding a plain black tee, a red plaid flannel jacket, jeans, and converse.

Would you believe me if I told you that took 10 minutes? No? Eh.

"Rides outside." Mom knocks on my door.

"He's early!" I yell back. She doesn't reply. I skip the makeup and messy bun entirely as I grab my phone and take stairs two at a time, my face only inches from paying for my decisions.

"Where are you going?" My dad asks.

"Just to Jacobs. I'll be back later."

"Who said you could go?"

"Mom did. Bye!" I close the door before he could say another word.

"What took you so long?" Jacobs window was already rolled down.

"Dad." I open the door and get in. He rolls his eyes and turns the music on.

There's mostly silence the entire drive with the excuse of the music. I laid my head against the window, yet I was wide awake. For only waking up eight hours ago, who would be?

"Are we there yet?"

"You know where he lives, determine it for yourself."

"Whatever. Ass."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks."

We pull into the driveway moments later, making me feel awkward about how I didn't recognize his street.

We both exit the car and walk in, immediately greeted with the strong smell of weed, loud music, and Steve.

"What's with the weed, dude?"

"Just leftover from my parents. Come on in."

"Any girls here for me?" I laugh, looking around. I didn't see anyone I didn't already know, even though Steve has to be one of the most social people I know.

"Wanda's here."

"Absolutely not. So why was I dragged here?"

"Because you never get out! Come on." Jacob dragged me farther in, the music becoming deafening.

About an hour passes of useless conversations and painful dancing, I let Jacob know I'm taking a short trip outside.

"It's dark out there, and cold, you sure?" He yelled over the music.

"Yeah. I just need a few minutes, that's all." I yell back, my throat already hurting.

"I'm coming with you."

I roll my eyes but allow him to follow me out the front door, sighing in releasing as the cool and quiet air sinks into my ears.

"Just walk down here." I point down the sidewalk, noting the silence of parked cars and darkness of absent porch lights.

We begin down the path for a few minutes, our walk cut short when two cops approach us.

"What are you two doing out here so late?"

"We're just going for a quick walk. We can go now." I answer.

"Well, here's the thing. I know your dad, kid. He's not gonna be happy about this."

"That's his problem."

"Dude!" Jacob spits at me. I ignore him.

"Yeah, see. Neither of you or gonna like this. But it's required, so-" the first officer pulls out a gun and points it straight at Jacob. Not even a second later a shot wins the war against the loud music and Jacob falls to the ground.

"What the hell-!" The second officer pulls out a cloth bag and throws it over my head, dragging me towards him.

"No! Stop!" I try to fight back but it's useless as I'm shoved into their car. I do my best to memorize the twists and turns but there were just too many.

When the car stopped for the final time, I was thrown out and dragged some more, falling to the ground as I was shoved forward.

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