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I stepped out of the taxi and made my way over to their side. "What's your name and age?" I ask, curiously.

"Nori, 18,"

I hummed. "Nori. Now.. that's your name name, right? Not whatever jackshit your parents named you?"

They nodded.

"Well, Nori, you forget this ever happened, alright? You wait here to pick me up when I'm done, then go back home, someone besides me does you wrong, you tell them what I told you, yeah?"

"...what did you tell me?"

"Figure it out. Chiau," I held up a peace sign with my fingers.

I turn back and head to the buildings I could see. I do my best to remember that night. Somewhere around thirty nights ago.

I don't have to walk for too long. Nori isn't in sight anymore. I see the window that no one bothered to fix. Blood still on it from cutting myself on the edge, the mans face flashing through my mind. I shook it away and climbed in.

Bam. I'm in. Easy.

I rest my hand on the handle of the knife, ready to swing. It's dark as always, where I'd grown to enjoy, and I find the door. I crack it open, peeking through.

Footsteps down the hall, walking away.

The guard.

I slip out and look both ways, the knife still hidden in my sleeve. It was easy to find my room, and someone else had occupied it. They're taking more and more girls every time another dies. It's sickening.

And now they're getting what they deserve.

I shuffle into the room that used to be mine, finding the button for everything to work. There were no clothes or anything to steal, except for the weapons in the back.

Ah, yes. Those fuckers.

Small gun, rifle, little sharp 5-pointed knives, whatever those damn things are. I grabbed the gun and kept my knife, both of them out and ready to use.

I head back out to the hallway. Someone's coming around the corner alone.

The second the black suit appears around the corner, I grab hold with the hook between my hand and shoulder, holding the knife to his throat.

"Why are you doing this?" I growl in his ear. Either he was new, or I'd never seen him before. Whichever it is, I don't care.

"For their safety." He said back, not the slightest hint of fear in his voice.

"You kill them for safety? Hm? Is that what you do? Now what if I kill you?"

"You won't win," he stated calmly.

What an idiot. He knows nothing. "We'll see about that," I smirk, dragging the edge of the blade slowly across his throat.

I listen to the sound of him struggling for breath as he falls to the ground, blood leaking from his neck. I grin as I watch him helplessly reach out for someone that isn't there.

He's taking forever to die. I roll my eyes and fall to my knees, training the tip of the knife over his chest. "Nighty-night," I bring my hands down with violent force, the knife squishing into his chest. His eyes widen and he stops struggling, his head falling against the tiled floor. The life drained from his eyes and I took my knife back, making a moist, unnerving-yet-entertaining gurgle sound, wiping it on my sleeve.

"Screw you," I smile into his dead eyes. The pool of blood grows beneath him and I step right over it. Onto whoever else dares to step in my path.

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