4. changing

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"finally u are back. how are u feeling?" jimin blinked against the bright sun, what was his coreograph jhope. "good enough" he growled. jhopes eyes went to slits. he grabbed hard jimins arm and pulled him to the lockers.

"are u drinking in school?!" "no?" "u reek of alcohol!" jimin looked guilty and sighed. "i had some bad weeks. alcohol helps" "no it doesnt! u cant come into my class drunk! u could not only hurt yourself, but others too!" "dont give me a fucking lecture! u dont know me! u are just a teacher! if i need help or need to talk to somebody, i will go to a fucking shrink. i know my body and i know how to dance" "jimin! how dare u to talk to me like that! i am not only your teacher, but also your friend. u know u can talk to me" "i cant talk with anyone" suddenly tears spilled down. "oh boy.... sweet sweet boy.... come here" hope pulled him into a hug and held him tight.


joon wasnt focused. he didnt know why, but everytime his eyes caught kook, his vision was hyperfocused on the boy. wandering his curves and muscles from up to down to his legs. admiring the intake of air, having an itching in his hands to touch the long hair of him. joon swallowed his drool and tried to look away, but it wasnt easy. he even didnt noticed the ball, who was coming his way with full force, bounced on his head and he just still walked, not caring at all. his mates looked at each other. kook tilted his head. *whats wrong with him? did i break him?*

after training, he pulled the other into a corner, out of sight of everyone.

"are u okay?" "yeah, why?" "u dont act like it" "huh?" "joon... kim, danger just hit u in the head with the ball" "he did? when? this fucker is going to get his ass kicked!" joon started to stomp to the lockerroom, but kook held him back. "no, really, whats wrong?" "nothing.... i just have a hard time to focus, thats all" "oh.... somethings on your mind?" joon glanced at him, looked away and nodded. hell those lips! he needed all his strength not to just jump him there. he wanted this lips right now so badly.

"its all okay, just need some sleep thats all" "okay, see u at dinner" as kook walked by, joon suddenly held his arm, grabbed his nape and kissed him forcefully. kook first tried to get away, but kissed back as hard as joon. but after he let a moan escape, kook backed away and both panted. "shit, joon.... i-i-.... need a shower" with that, kook ran to the locker room. joon stood there like hit by lightning.

*what the hell happened?*


jhope brought jimin to his apartment on campus, sat him down on the sofa, gave him a tea, what made jimin snort and sat next to him.

"dont u have some classes to teach?" "my assistant can do that and not, when my best student has a crises." "i dont have one" "u have, jimin. wanna tell me, whats wrong?" "i thought college was going great for me, i had joon as my boyfriend...." "the jock? seriously?" hope bursted out with a laughter. "whats so funny?" "sorry, but.... namjoon as boyfriend...." jimin sighed.

"i know... i always knew.... shit.... i was unhappy, drank too much on every party, cheated and now we are done." "u cheated on him? wow.... why?" "he only saw me as the .... trophy boyfriend, he was never really there, when i had problems...." "figured..... is it why u are so down now?" "no... its not because of him.... i just.... i cant get out of my skin, its crushing me down, i am not good enough....i..."

"jimin! listen, as i said, u are my best student. u are pushing yourself too hard, u are not sleeping properly, u were always in the studio and trying to perfect yourself, when u are already perfect, but u dont see it. i admire your stubbornness, but what u are doing is unhealthy. for your body and mind. i knew people like u, very talented, amazing in what they were doing, but insecure for some reasons. i saw them crumble away, hurting their bodies to a point, where they destroyed it. lost their dreams by doing it. i dont wanna see that with u. not u jimin, okay?!"

jimin looked at him stunned. he never thought, that his teacher was so deep and considered. "why u looking like that at me?" "i am just....baffled." "why?" "u are nice" "i am always nice" "outside the studio, maybe, i never talked with u in privat. but u are stern and mean on the dancefloor" "i am not.... maybe sometimes..." jimin giggled.


kook cursed under his breath and looked at his friend, who was betraying him big times. "why dont u go back down u idiot thing?!" he lowly cursed at his for attention standing dick. *it was just a fucking kiss, nothing more, why is it even alive?!* kook cursed in his mind and looked around. he was alone, the others were already changing into their street chlothes and nobody was near the showers. with a sigh, he took care of his problem.

"sorry for troubling u" a voice whispered into his ear, a hand shoved his away from his dick and started to jerk him off. kook could feel the others cock behind him, pressed into his asscheeks. kook almost yelped.

"what are u doing? the others are still...." kook hissed. "they are all gone. we are alone and i am taking responsibility" joon husked back. "oh shit....hmmmm.... responsibility? for what?!" "your hard on" "oh please...." "i felt it when we kissed" "u dont say.... shiiiittt...."

joon turned kook to him, the other hand found the golden cave and his lips kooks again. kook held onto joons shoulders and neck, snaked a leg around his hips and enjoyed their little make out. what wasnt planned at all by the way. after their.... spontaneous fucking, they didnt talked about it, or tried to be near the other. they didnt fight with each other, they just stopt talking at all. but now....

"fuck....yeah right there" kook whined into joons ear. "oh good, i found it.... u feeling good?" "yeah.... stab it" kook moaned out.

joon was confused. he never took that much care when he was with jimin. his priority was to get his boyfriend wet and wide enough for his dick and that was it. jimins comfort nor if he was feeling good or great was on his mind really. he was always selfish and as he thought about that, he felt regret. he really had mistreated jimin. *crap!* joon cursed inside.

kook came undone and leaned his fully weight onto joon, who had no trouble holding him. "u okay?" kook panted and nodded. "whats with u?" joon looked down and sighed. "i will take care of it" "wanna let me?" "if u have the energy?" kook scoffed. "i am not called a fuckboy for no reason" "about that" "what?" "i am sorry, i called u that" "huh?" kook had tilted his head. "come again?" "i said i am sorry, i called u that" "u called me worse than fuckboy" "i did and i am sorry" kooks eyes went to slits.

"whats going on? since when is the mighty joon apologizing?!" "since the mighty joon had an epiphany, that he was indeed a huge asshole" "oh...better late then never, right?" kook grinned, went onto his knees and devoured in a swift move the whole joon extension. "oh shit!.... fuck, kook!" "wha?" kook asked with his mouth full. "just.... fuck, blow me" and kook did.


jimin slept and hope was looking at him. he liked the guy, he could relate to him. infact, hope told him a lot about himself. he was like jimin in his younger years. he was obsessed of being perfect, but never had the feeling of it. he almost destroyed his career and body and mind, but he came out of it and enjoyed now his life. the road jimin took was the wrong one and he was determind not to lose another promising star again. as jimin was sleeping, hope shoved his hoodie up, looked at the body.

"shit u are too skinny, are u not eating jimin?" he sighed, stood up and started to cook. he wont let jimin destroy himself over stupid things.

the hate we share namkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora