3. when the dam burst

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it was a desaster for joon. he on all fours, or on his back like a bug, getting dicked down by fucking jeon?! NO NO NO NO NO! he wont play girl for that fuckhead! never! NEVER! as if he would ever give his butt to another guy. he was the one that did the fucking, the giver, not the reciver! he wouldnt take dick from anyone! and if the last guy ever, was jeon. before that he would rather let anyone from his team and jimin fuck him! he would not let jeon be triumphant over him! NEVER!!!!

with dark thoughts, he tried to avoid jeon as much as he could. he managed it so far, he only saw him in training. even there, he had always somebody next to him, so that jeon couldnt talk to him in privat.

kook crunched a brow and was annoyed. he sucked joons dick, he made him undone, he won the fucking bet. joon had to pay. or kook would sent everyone who mattered to joon the audio of their little encounter. he told him, and why is joon now avoiding him like the newest plaque? didnt he grasp the threat? was he okay, that his friends would know, that he let his biggest enemy suck his dick?! kook needed to know.

kook asked a mate for joons phone number.

# yo idiot #

# who u? #

# jeon #

# what u want? #

# dont u get, that all your friends, including jimin, will know, that i made u moan? #

# ..... #

# i meant what i said. they will hear how i made u come #

# i will not let u fuck my ass #

# though luck asshole! u lost! #

# try to blackmail me and i will show u hell #

# ooohhh i am sooooo scared now #

# just try, jeon. i dare u #

# no, kim, i dare u #

with that kook threw his phone onto his bed and groaned out in frustration.

the next few weeks became unbearable between them and the rest. again they fought each other, cursed at each other, didnt play fair at all. it was worse then before.

"we need to do something" "maybe they need to get laid?" "we are talking about fucking kook.... he probably had more action than we all together" "nuhu! i know for fact, that he fucked with nobody since a few weeks" "what?! u know we mean jungkook!" "i know, idiot! i tell u! he didnt had any action lately" "how u know?!" "i live right next to his room and i could sleep finally! no sounds of moaning sluts and bumping against my wall!" some laughed, some whistled. their mates talked in hushed tones in the locker room, while joon and kook got another scolding. when the guys finally came into the room, the boys went quiet and moved faster to walk away.

"hope u are happy. our mates just walked out" kook spat at joon and ripped his own jersey off and threw it into his bag. "why should it be my fault, jeon?! maybe its because of your bitchyness?!" joon gave smug back and also lost his jersey.

"if u wouldnt behave like a fucking moron, nobody would suffer" "oh yeah, i behave like a moron... u are just a sour loser, cause u cant get my ass" "i am the loser?! i sucked your fucking disgusting dick! i showed courage, i didnt backed out of a bet! i pay my due, u didnt! u are the coward! fucking asshole!"

"disgusting?! u didnt look like it! if i recall that, u looked like a greedy fucking slut on my dick!" "oh please! no wonder jimin jumped me! with that kinda dick, nobody would be satisfied! he must really liked u, otherwise he would have cheated earlier!" "take that back u little shit!"

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