1. the hate i have for u

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to be clear, namjoon, 19, sports college student, hated nobody else more than jeon jungkook, 18, sports college student, same year. he never had more hatred for anyone like for jeon, the fuckboy.

so imagine finding out, that your boyfriend of 14 months was caught cheating on u with this guy, this jeon, the fuckboy.

"from all guys here, u had to choose fucking jeon?! what have i ever done to u, that u would hurt me that much?!" "hurt? your heart or your fucking ego?" jimin, said boyfriend spat back in anger. joon took a step back, or he would have punshed jimin. "does it matter?! u fucked with jeon! u let him fuck u! MY BOYFRIEND!" jimin crossed his arms.

"why does it sound like u own me?! i am NOT your property! I MADE A FUCKING MISTAKE, OKAY?! i was drunk and we had this fight.... i wasnt thinking straight. it happened and i am deeply sorry, okay?!" joon scoffed and gave jimin a disgusted look. "u let jeons dirty hands touch u, let his std riddled dick fuck u...." "and now what? i am dirty too? he used a condom, by the way" joon gave a grimace and shrugged in a mocked motion. "so thats great? u wont give me any stds? u want me to thank u for that?" "u are a huge asshole right now" "u fucked with the person i hate the most, the one who is taunting and belittering me since we started uni, from all the people here.... why, jimin?!"

"i didnt choose him, u fucking dickhead. it was a fucking mistake, i was gone, it could have been mr. lancebarry and i would have done it with him" joon showed a grimace. their teacher lancebarry was the most hideous man they had ever seen and jimin saying, that he would let that guy fuck him, made joon almost puke.

"jimin u need help" joon gently said and tried to grab jimins arm, which he avoided, by taking a step away. "help? for what?!" "your intake of alcohol.... its getting out of hand" "does not!" "it does. u drink it like water, u are far worse than any fratidiot here. u drink too much and too often. u need to stop and get help" jimin stared at him. "i hate u so much" tears spilled out as he whispered.

joon was taken aback. "what?!" "u are sitting on your high horse here, thinking u are the inofficial king of all jocks here and what? trying to fix me? ME? your boyfriend for over a year? i dont need to be fixed, joon. i need a boyfriend who is proud to be my boyfriend." "i was.... am proud to have u...." "not by your heart, only by your pride.... i could have anyone, ANYONE! but i chose u, i thought u would be the perfect boyfriend...." "i am, jimin"

"when?! when were u? when i had my injury and had to stay in hospital for 2 weeks?" "... i had games, important games" "... when i had trouble with my mental health and doubted i would ever be good enough for this school?!" "....i had to show the coach that i was better than jeon...." "FUCK U! FUCK U AND YOUR FUCKING SPORT AND RIVALRY AGAINST JEON, U FUCKING ASSHOLE!" jimin screamed into joons face, what earned him a slap.

wide eyed both looked at each other.

"jimin... i am so sorry..." "shut your fucking mouth. thats it. we are done! never talk to me ever again!"


jimin ran as fast as he could and ran against a human wall.

"what the hell?! oh mochi?! what u doing.... are u crying?!"

of course.... the "wall" had to be fucking jeon.

"i hate u so much! never talk to me!" kook saw the hatred in jimins eyes and gulped. he had made a quite amount of enemies in this school, but jimin... he never thought that this cute guy would ever look at him like this. he felt guilty.

"look, i am sorry, that i took advantage of u. i shouldnt have done it. but...." "but what? just stop talking bullshit, jeon. u only fucked me, cause joon was my boyfriend. u wanted to hurt his ego, but instead u both assholes hurt me in the process. i hate u two so much right now" jimin cried and ran away again.

the hate we share namkookWhere stories live. Discover now