Chapter 8

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Tae's pov:

I sighed deeply and slumped onto my bed on my back.

"I really can't get used to all this attention..." I muttered under my breath as i laid there staring at the ceiling.

Whenever i go out of this room, I'm always tailed by atleast 3 servants who refuse to leave my side at all.

And i can't even go to courtyard or garden without two guards standing behind me at all times.

I know they mean well. I know they're just doing their job.

But it's uncomfortable!

I want to be able to walk around by myself!

I want to be able to enjoy fresh air without having guards and servants constantly asking me to not do this to not do that.

I've been doing all too well by myself for so long!

I won't hurt myself so easily!

I buried my face in a pillow and groaned.

I am thankful to be have been given such a high position as one who looks over all of heaven.

I appreciate that and I'm not saying i an angry about it.

I cane never be thankful enough for being saved from that pain and being given this life of luxury and comfort.

But aren't these people a little too protective?

They won't let me breath freely even!
I looked up when i heard the door open.

Thanit came in.

I sat up on the bed and looked at him with a pout.

He chuckled and sat beside me on the bed.

"What's happened? Why are you slking again?"

I leaned forward and let myself be sprawled over his lips comfortably.

"Why are the guards and servants here so overprotective? I can't take a step out of this room without some of them stalking my every step and telling me not to do this not to do that." I grumbled.

"They're just doing their job of keeping you safe." He patted my head.

"I know! But isn't this too much? They're already protecting this whole castle! Why do they need to stalk my every step? It's uncomfortable and suffocating. I want to be able to walk freely and enjoy the beauty of this place without someone breathing down my neck all the time." Tears formed in my eyes.

He sighed. "I'll talk to them to keep some distance when escorting you around."

I hummed softly.

"I know I'm being a brat by whining like this after being given such a life of luxury. But it's so uncomfortable... Them being like this isn't let me get used to this place properly..."

He pulled me up and made me sit on his lap facing him.

"It's understandable that you feel that way. All of this is new for you. And having people breath down your neck and dictating your every move can get annoying and suffocating. It's completely normal. You're not being a brat by voicing your discomfort. I'll talk to them and make sure they stop being like that." He cupped my cheeks and rubbed them with his thumbs.

A small smile formed on my face as i leaned into the touch.

"How did the meeting with the other guides go?" I asked after afew seconds of comfortable silence.

"It went well. There don't seem to be any need to bring any changes to the schedules. Nothing major has been happening in any part of heaven. And all the emperors are enjoying their free time." He smiled.

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