Chapter 2

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Thanit's pov:

"Thanit Ittipat. Do you realize the severity of your actions today?" Singto glared at me.

He had stopped me right as I was about to enter heaven after dropping Tae off.

I crossed my arms.

"Severity? What do you mean?" I asked flatly.

"You let a devil who barged into heaven go?! What were you thinking?!" He yelled.

"Do you know why he barged in here?" I asked.

"That does not matter! Devils are not allowed to enter heaven no matter the reason!" He answered.

"Is that so? Even if he wanted to warn us about an impending sneak attack that the 1st son of the devil king was planning?" I raised an eyebrow.

He was taken aback for a second but recovered quickly.

"You actually trust the words of a devil?"

"Let me ask you. Are you doubting the archangel's powers over this place that keep anyone and everyone from saying a single lie? I don't recall generals having that authority." I asked back.

He gritted his teeth.

"That's what I thought. Now if I may, I havcc e work I need to do." I said flying past him and into heaven.

I need to make sure every corner and part of this place is guarded.

We don't know when they might attack or how they'll attack.

I can't take any risks.

I sighed inwardly as I looked at the ones standing in front of me.

Ohm and Song two archangels were standing in front of me giving me stern looks.

Singto was standing on the side looking at me with a smug look on his face.

He really went and ran his mouth to them.

I'm 100% sure he made things up even to get me punished.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of being summoned by the archangels?" I bowed slightly.

"We have received news about your actions regarding the devil that trespassed into heaven," Ohm spoke up.

I nodded and waited for them to continue.

"We want to hear your reason for healing that devil and even going as far as escorting him to hell's gate," Song added.

"He did not come here to harm any angels. He came here to warn us about an attack that his older brother Krist was planning against us. So I did not find it right to punish him and keep him locked up." I answered.

"How are you certain that he did not intend on harming any angels?" Ohm asked.

"He did not have a magic core. As such, he could not have harmed any angels even if he tried. And if the report I got is correct, he did not once try to struggle when they restrained him and locked him up before torturing him." I explained.

They seem to be thinking deeply.

"In that case, how do you explain why he did not say anything for the 2 weeks he was locked up for?" Song asked.

"He did not have a tongue. He could not speak even if wanted to. The officers were fooled by an illusion spell that was cast on him that made it look like he did have a tongue when in fact he did not. But it was not strong enough to fool me so I was able to see through it." I said.

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