Chapter 3

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Tae's pov:

I pulled the blanket off and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

I tried to get up holding the headboard of the bed but my legs gave out making me fall to the floor.

I whimpered softly in pain and tried to get up again holding the bed.

But my legs gave out again.

But this time before I could hit the floor, strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me to sit on the bed.

I looked up and saw the angel standing beside me.

"It's not a wonder your body is weak. It went through a lot of strain. Don't try to force yourself. Wait till your body heals better." He said.

I nodded obediently.

"Come on. You should eat now." He helped me sit leaning on the headboard and took out a small foldable table putting it on my lap.

After that, he took a plate of food from the foot of the bed and put it on the table.

I tilted my head and stared at it.

I never saw this type of food before.

"This is called congee. I thought it would be easier for you to eat since you don't have a tongue." He smiled.

I slowly nodded and ate a spoonful.

I obviously couldn't taste anything but i ate fast after realising just how hungry I was.

I finished it in no time at all.

He handed me a glass of water which I downed in one gulp.

"You were really hungry huh?" He took the table and put it aside.

I blushed and looked down.

I felt embarrassed about my behavior.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You've been sleeping for 4 days so it's a given that you would be starving. It's normal don't worry." He ruffled my hair.

A small smile formed on my face.

He's the first person to ruffle my hair like that.

The only other times' anyone has touched my hair is to pull it harshly or drag me across the floor down to the dungeon because I made a mistake.

He took something from the nightstand and gave it to me.

It was a notepad and a pen.

"Can you tell me how you ended up here in the human world?" He asked.

I bit my lips as the memories flashed in front of my eyes.

He didn't say anything and waited patiently for me to respond.

I took a deep breath and wrote.

I was labeled as a traitor. My wings were torn off as punishment before I was exiled.

He pursed his lips.

"Your body was covered in bruises and wounds. Was that also part of the punishment?"

I nodded while keeping my gaze glued to my lap.

I looked up when I felt him pat my head.

"It's ok. I won't hurt you in any way. I promise." He said reassuringly.

Tears formed in my eyes hearing his gentle tone.

No one has ever spoken to me so gently before.

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