Chapter 1

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A/N: This story is for ArilinAri
It's going to be a short story again. Not too long. 
It's my first time writing an angelxdevil one. 
Of course, I couldn't make Tae evil so this is going to be a bit fluffy and also angsty. 
I hope you enjoy it!
Happy reading! 

Thanit's pov:

I swiftly landed on the balcony of my office.

I retracted my wings and made my way inside.

(A/N: I know you want to see it so here it is

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(A/N: I know you want to see it so here it is.)

I just got off of duty from escorting one of the archangels Pring to their annual gathering. 

She let me have yesterday off and come back to my normal work as a general today. 

I sat down on my chair behind the desk.

A frown formed on my face when I saw an unfamiliar file.

I took it and examined it.

The devil's progress.

"The devil's progress? What?" My frown deepened.

I quickly called Tee to come.

"Welcome back from vacation!" He came in a minute later with a wide smile on his face.

A small smile automatically formed on my face seeing how cheerful he was.

"I'm back. How have things been around here?"

"It's been fine. A little boring but we've been having some fun as well." He sat down on the chair in front of my desk.

I put up the file I was holding so he could see the front of it.

His expression immediately hardened at that.

"And mind explaining what this is?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It says what it is on the front." He crossed his arms and sat back.

"It says the devil's progress. I don't recall ordering any monitoring of a devil." I frowned.

He sighed snd got up.

"Come on. Follow me." He said as he turned and walked out.

I got up and followed him silently.

We went through the hallway and down a flight of stairs that led to the basement.

I stiffened when I felt a presence as we went into the basement.

"Who did you lock up in here?" I asked.

"The devil." He gestured to the cell he was now standing in front of.

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