"Of course Y/n we will do whatever you want us to but please bring us our old Chan back. And you are not the only one. I also wish Chan didn't meet that girl. She just left my son in his hard times."

"Aunty hold on for few days now. I promise I will get your old Chan back to you. And about Heejin, sorry to say this, but you also almost abandoned Chan if I'm not wrong."

"No Y/n you are absolutely right. It was our mistake to leave Chan. We promise it won't happen now. We will visit you both more infact Chan can just stay here." listening to his father's words, Y/n almost screamed. She was more than happy to hear that.

"Uncle, Chan will be so happy hearing this!...But I think it's better to get him cured fully first. Like how we do at hospitals. Once he is totally fine, he can come back here. This place not only contains good but also bad memories for him."

"Thank you Y/n." Chan's mother held Y/n's hand.

"No worries. I want him to get well soon though. I can't see him suffering. It hurts.." she blurted out causing her and Chan's parents to widen their eyes. "Uh..Uhh I think I-I should go back." she got up to leave but..

"Umm, what was the way again?" she said while scratching the back of her head. Chan's parents laughed at her.

"Let me take you back sweetie." Mrs. Bang said and got up.

While walking down the hallways Y/n was just praying that Chan's mother should not ask the question she was afraid of right now. About Chan and her. She just wants to reach the room soon so that nothing happens. But guess what? Her prayers failed when Chan's mother spoke up.



"Do you perhaps like Chan?"

Y/n's heart raced.

"Ye-yes. I-I me--mean he's he's --my friend s-so I d-do like like hi-him.." she shut her eyes for a second for shuttering.

"Y/n, dear why do you shutter so much huh?" she laughed slightly. "But I meant not simply like, I mean do you romantically like him."

Y/n could never describe what she was feeling right now. Her body shivered and she bit her lip in nervousness.

'Why is it hard to say yes? Because Chan's mother might also love Heejin more that me?' she thought. Chan's mother noticed the girl beside her being all nervous. She held Y/n's hand and stopped walking. Her hand was cold.

"Don't be nervous Y/n. I am sorry for asking this. The way you care for him, the way you want Chan to get well soon and everything you did and do for Chan, I just felt that you-"

"I like him." Y/n shut her eyes and let it out. She was mentally ready to get warnings to stay away from him but she instead got something what she never expected. A hug.

"Oh my god! Y/n!" she hugged her and Y/n stood frozen at her spot. Chan's mother smiled very brightly. She pulled out of the hug just to see a shocked Y/n. "Y/n! You know I am so happy to hear that. Since morning I wanted to dig more about you. Chan whenever got nervous in that meeting he used to look at you. It means he think of you as his safe place. Also both of you trust each other!"

Y/n blushed. She never ever thought this thing she will ever tell to someone other than her two friends and here someone is the mother of the guy she loves.

"Y-you are not angry right?" she asked hesitantly.

"Why would I? Ahhh I always wanted a nice, caring, responsible, understanding person for Chan and a good daughter in law for me."

"WHAT?!" Y/n yelled very loudly when she heard the word 'daughter in law.' they weren't that away from the living room so Chan definitely heard the yell. And realizing it was Y/n he stormed out of the room in search of her. When he spotted her with his mother he basically ran towards them.

Both Y/n and Chan's mother saw him coming in their way.

"Y/n! Why did you scream? Are you okay? Again your face is red! What's wrong?" he said holding her shoulders and Y/n just stared at him. Chan's mother smirked knowing her son was also worried about Y/n. Chan turned towards her mother.

"Mom, Y/n gets red frequently. She wasn't like this before but since last two three week it's always her getting red. Her cheeks heats up. Mom do you know what symptoms are these?" the poor guy who don't even know these symptoms are of love asked his mother.

Y/n felt it was the end if Chan's mother revealed her secrets. She signaled her with her eyes asking for help.

Chan's mother laughed out. "Chan, don't worry. Why are you so panicked? Y/n is perfectly fine and as you know it's almost winter now, and her skin is sensitive, her cheeks gets heated up."

"Then why did she scream?"

"She screamed because I asked her something."

"Something what?"

"Why are you asking?" his mother teased.

"Come on I should know." Chan asked in anticipation.

"Fine I asked her if she can be my daughter in law."


I didn't upload the second update yesterday 😅 so sorry. Here is the chapter 38th!

Seungmo's first solo ost!!! His voice is angelic as always ❤️

Thank you for reading 💕

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