"You're unbelievable," Alyson said as she tried to contain a grin from forming  on her lips

"So, I've been told." I pulled her closer to me. What a night it has been? My crush finally admitted to liking me and now I think we were together.  "When did you realized that you liked me?"

"Aren't you curious?" Alyson took a hold of my hand and intertwined our fingers together. 

"Curiosity never hurt anyone," I answered. 

"Didn't it kill a cat?" Alyson raised an eyebrow at me quizically. 

"Yeah, but satisfaction brought it back," I quipped. 

Alyson let out a small chuckle as she rolled her eyes at me. 

"I think it's time for you to give me an answer Miss Crawford," I said in my best teacher voice. 

"Well, I guess it was the eighth grade when we were in Madame Hurt's French class," Alyson stated. 

"That class was brutal," I said with a groan. "She was an evil witch who hated children." 

"I know, but getting to see you was the highlight of my day,"  Alyson replied. "Back then I didn't even know why I felt that way. "

"And now you do?" 

"Being with you, like this. I do." She moved my hand toward her face and kissed the back of my hand. 

At that moment I wanted her to be the one. This is the closest we have ever been to each other. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her lips.  We were both leaning toward each other when something hard was thrown against the window. Alyson and I stared at each other in confusion. 

"What was that?" I was about to get up, but Alyson stopped me.

She got out of the bed and slowly walked over to the window. She peeped through the blinds and let out a groan. 

"What is it?' I sat up on the bed.

"It's Braden,'" Alyson answered as another pebble smacked against the window.

 "Wow, I thought he was over with high school relationships." 

Alyson pulled the curtains up and opened the window. "Stop throwing rocks, Braden. If a window breaks, my dad will shoot you."

"You weren't answering my text or calls," Braden called out. 

"We've talked about this for the millionth time," Alyson stated. "I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore."

"Is it because of what I said?" Braden shouted. "We can get married."

"Oh, my God," Alyson muttered. "He's on his knee now. "

"This is just too awkward," I whispered.

"I don't want to marry you," Alyson shouted back. "Just go home, Braden."

"No, not until we talk it out," Braden replied. "Can you let me in?"

Alyson glanced at me, looking for answers. I just shook my head.

"No, Braden!" Alyson rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Why? Do you have someone there with you?"

"No! Just leave Braden," Alyson demanded.

"Who is he?" Braden questioned. "I know he's not as handsome and smart as me. I am literally perfect."

"There's no one," Alyson responded. "Leave or I'm gonna call the cops."

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