My Dearest Sleeping Beauty (ForthKit)

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Forth walks lazily to the rehearsal building for Moon and Star Competition practice. He never thought that his seniors in Faculty of Engineering will choose him to be their representative in the Moon and Star Competition. He doesn't have a clean-cut look. He knows that he is not bad looking, but he also knows that he has a bad boy look that might not be considered a pageant contestant.

Just look at him!

Forth is very tall and muscled. His skin is tan, and he has many tattoos all over his body. His face is kind of rugged and he doesn't smile. He smirks. So, who is in the right mind choose him to be in the pageant?

But apparently, his seniors have their own opinions.

Forth didn't want to comply at first, but his seniors and classmates dragged him to the rehearsal building and they are watching him like hawks. Nowhere to escape. He surrendered and tried his best to follow the routines.

He made friends with the other moons, but he liked Phana, the Medical Moon the best. He thought that Phana is fun and smart. And he felt that as soon as he got the hang of it, this competition is not that bad.

Still, he didn't like to go to practice. He usually came late and got scolded by his seniors, but he didn't care.

Today he was busy doing his assignment and comes late to the rehearsal building. The front of the building is quite empty because apparently, everybody is inside. He is walking slowly when suddenly, his eyes catch a boy who is sleeping on the wooden bench outside the practice room.

Instead of just walking pass, he stops and stare.

The boy's sleeping face is so cuuuute!!

Forth is bedazzled by the look of the sleeping boy. He had never seen someone so adorable while sleeping. The boy has copper hair that looks a bit messy. His skin is white and smooth. His nose is straight and proportional. His lips are red and moist.

Somehow, the cute boy smiles in his sleep. Perhaps he is dreaming something good. Forth sees that the boy has deep dimples on both of his cheeks. Forth gulps because the cuteness level just raised up to the roof.

Forth doesn't know what to do with his feelings. He is so attracted by the boy's sleeping face. He really wants to grab the boy and keep him in his dorm, for him to cuddle. (A/N. Geez, he is not a bolster, Ai'Forth!)

Ever since he was 13 years old, Forth knew that he is bisexual. He likes both girls and boys equally, and he was never afraid to admit it. He came out to his parents, and even though they were shocked at first, they love him unconditionally.

He is a playboy; he is never picky for his sex partner. If he found them cute, boys or girls, he will take them. He is changing sex partners like changing clothes. And he never had trouble finding a sex partner. He is handsome, hot, smart, and rich. Everybody wants him.

The cute boy moves a little, pouting in his sleep.

Forth has the urge to kiss those pouting lips. He clenches his fists, holding himself so hard not to bend down and do what he really wants to do.


Forth is startled and turns around. A handsome boy frowns and stares at him. Forth blushed, he wants to smack his own head for staring at the sleeping boy without blinking like that. He must have looked like a pervert.

"Who are you?" asked the boy.

"I'm Forth, from Engineering. I was late for practice. Sorry, phi..." said Forth, thinking that the boy is probably one of the seniors.

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