Chapter 13

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Superboy slams into a Ford F-150 leaving it in shambles as The Amazo is immune to everything the Three Heroes threw at him.

"We're not winning this fight!" Scream M'Gann.

"Do not fret, help is here." Said Aqualad. Suddenly Justice League memebers arrive. Green Arrow, Black Canary, John Stewart Green Lantern and The Flash who has recovered from his injuries come in. The Speedster, Archer and Canary stand on a Green Construct created by John.

"Sorry the rest of the League couldn't show up for the party." Said Arrow throwing an Explosive Arrow at the Amazo Armor. The android is unfazed.

"Arrow! It has the powers and skill of six of the seven main members of the JLA!" Yelled Aqualad.

"So the invulnerably of Superman, right." Said Green Arrow. "Going to need some bigger arrows."

Black Canary jumps down to the city streets and does her Canary Cry. The windows of the surrounding buildings shatter into dust as the Amazo kneels down in pain.

"Superman never liked it when I sang." Said Black Canary before charging the Amazo. "Round two ugly!" Canary does a double flip in the air and runs up Amazo's arm. The Andriod grabs her jacket and flies her up in the air at a great speed. The wind pushing against Canary's Face.

"I got her!" Said Conner leaping up into the sky. He manages to grab Amazo's leg and slings the robot back to the ground . Canary falls at great speeds as Conner accelerates his decent. M'Gann flies the Bio-Ship above the rooftops as Conner grabs Canary and the two crash info the bio-ship.

Back on the ground Green Lantern II (John Stewart) creates a bubble to trap Amazo in. The android uses its laser vision making the construct collapsed little by little. Lantern struggles to keep the construct from deforming. Aqualad decides to summon some electricity and zaps the Amazo once The Construct collapsed. The Amazo activated it's stolen Power Ring. The Ring begins to blink as it needs to recharge.

"Take it while it's distracted!" Yelled Green Arrow. The Amazo does some martial arts moves on Arrow with a mixture of Warrior combat.

"Sometimes I forget we have some of the greatest fighters in the world in the League." Said Lantern firing a turret construct at The Amazo armor. The Amazo decides to Density shift and soon is underground.

"Ohh crap." Said Flash as the ground started to rumble. Amazo's hand bursts out of the road and grabs the Flash!

The Flash vibrates his molecules and runs out of harm's way. The Android burst out of the ground and flies up in the air.

"I don't like the look of that." Said Superboy jumping out of the Bio-Ship.

"Any ideas?" Asked Black Canary. The Android started using its laser vision on surrounding buildings.

"Hello Megan, I got it!" Said Megan. "The android only has six of the main seven JLA's power, so we have Barry run super fast and take it out all speed of light style!"

"That might actually work, but he needs to get down to Earth for this to be easier." Said Barry.

"Leave that to me." Superboy said with a smirk and poundings his fist into his hand. He grabs a destroyed car and flings it at Amazo. The Android notices it and zaps It with its heat vision. But through the expulsion comes Superboy's fist clashing with the Amazo. The Android shakes it off and grabs Superboy by the neck.

"Time to die, Kryptonian." Said The Android as it plummets to the concrete. The Amazo holds Conner's head down as he waited for the ring to work.

"You first." Said Conner through his breathe. "NOW!"

(Insert Flash Theme)
The Flash runs at High speeds punching the android a mile a minute. Only being as fast as Superman, the android can not keep up with the Flash. Flash decides to end it and vibrates his hand through the Amazo's skull.

"Night night." Said Flash as an Explosion is set off. Barry flies back into a blue sedan with a burnt hand that has already started to heal.

"Ha ha, The Fastest Man Alive wins again!" He said with joy in his mouth.

"Aqualad to Robin, Amazo is finished. Robin come in." Aqualad tapped the communicator. "No response."

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