Chapter 7

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The Sounds of Water flowing and mice squeaking fills the sewers. Robin lost consciousness and now Megan held a Cloth to put pressure on the wound.

"We can't keep walking like this. Robin will bleed out unless he gets some help." Barked Superboy.

"Gotham General is 10 miles across Gotham. On a whole different island." Artemis responded in a low sad voice.

"I know a place." Said Wally. The Speedster leads the Team as after five minutes Wally reaches a Dead End.

"A Dead End, Great." Said Superboy.
"Artemis fire an explosive Arrow." Ordered Wally.

A quick draw of her bow, Artemis fires the arrow at the wall, causing it to explode. Through the rubble another false wall is seen. Wally grabs the Explosove Gel from Robin's Utility Belt and sprays the second flase wall. Steps are seen leading to A Metal, Electrical Gate.

"Kaldur that door is 50,000 volts of electricity." Said Wally. Kaldur nods and rids the gate down. The Electricity flows through his skin as the others proceed. A Metal Door with a passcode is seen.

The Door opens and A Man with a Shotgun lurks from the shadows.

"Who goes there?!" He cried in a British Accent.

Superboy steps up with Robin and the Man drops the shotgun and let's the Team past. The British man leads the Team to a Cave filled with State of the Art Technology and Equipment. A Giant Dinosaur is seen in the distance. Superboy sets down Robin on a Medical Table and The British Man starts to operate.

"Who are you suppose to be?" Asked Superboy.

"Batman." The British man said without tuning around.

"I fear we do not believe you." Said Kaldur.

"No one ever does." The British Man responds after finishing up with Robin. He stands and grabs a bottle of water for Robin.

"Please make yourself comfortable. Near the Training area is A Living Room and Kitchen you can relax in." The British Man pointed before heading upstairs.

"Wally what is this place?" Asked Megan.
"This is The Batcave." He responded before walking to the living room type area of the cave.

"That's not really Batman right?" Asked Megan.

"No, we are still looking for Batman." Said Wally setting his feet on the table.

1:34 am

Reverse-Flash races inside the facility back and forth with crates that contained the Amazo.

"That's the last of it:" said Deathstroke walking in. Amanda Waller looked at the the crates. Inspecting them, making sure all the parts were there.

"Where is Metallo?" She asked looking at her clipboard.

"Offline." Said Reverse-Flash.
"Very well you can find 200 million dollars in your Suitcases and are free to go." Said Waller.

"That's it? We did your dirty work and now we just walk?" Questioned Reverse-Flash.

"Don't be an idiot Thawne, it's 200 Million." Said Deathstroke lifting up the suit cases and heading off. Thawne glares at Waller before picking up the suitcase and speeding off. He returns wanting to say one word to Waller.

"I did this, so I can take down Barry Allen; and all you've proven Is that you're not as smart as you think you are. Did you even factor the other members of the league? Or the fact you told us to not chase him."

"Your obsession with The Flash clouds your perception." Said Waller.

"You know what, keep the money." Said Thawne dropping the suitcases. "My mission shouldn't rely on ghost from the past." The Speedster runs away out of the facility.

"Activate Stage Two. I want this operation to be finished by Friday." Said Waller talking to a Scientist.

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