Chapter 4

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Mount Justice
4:59 pm

The Team stand in the meeting room looking around at the holographic bullets. Robin types away at the computer.

"These Bullets match are used by of some of the deadliest assassins in The World." Said Robin.

"Not like they have an online store." Said Artemis.

"I isolated the possible targets. A picture of Deadshot and Deathstroke appear.

"Both have a possible hideout in Gotham City. We can head over there and interrogate them in seeing if they were hired to take down the Justice League."

"Can't we ask Flash?" Asked Wally.
"Barry is currently in Star Labs ICU chamber and I fear The Internet is dying with The ZetaTubes still offline." Said Robin.

"How is that possible?" Asked Megan.
"Whoever hacked into the ZetaTubes must have some expensive Tech, Possibly Wayne Tech or LexCorp Tech." Said Kaldur.

"It's not Wayne Tech." Said Robin not looking away at the holograms.

"How can you be sure?" Asked Kaldur.
Because; Lex Luthor is a more accurate suspect." Said Wally covering for Robin.

"Whatever let's just get Ready." Said Superboy leaving for the Bio-Ship. Megan, Kaldur, and Artemis follow. Wally races over and punches Robin in the arm:

"Dude that was close." Said Wally.
"I know, I know, let's just hope they didn't suspect anything."

"Sooner or later they are going to find out Rob."

"Let's hope that's Later."

11:34 pm Europe Time
Cadmus Facility

The Justice League are chained and ready for examination as they walk in to the lab. Killer Frost sits at the computer chained to the desk.

"May I present Caitlin Snow. Our.. Specialize Doctor in metahuman biology." Said Waller.

"I see you have special powers as well." Said Wonder Woman. Caitlin nodded her head as she continued to work.

"Dr. Snow will be taking some Blood from everyone, plus a few tissue cells. That might be difficult for some people." Said Waller looking at Aquaman, Superman, and Martin Manhunter.

"I'll leave you to your work Dr. Snow." Waller leaves the Room.

Washington DC
7:35 pm

Deathstroke, Metallo, and Reverse-Flash stand on a rooftop. The three are waiting for A certain Man to walk by. Suddenly the ear communicator rings and Metallo picks it up.

"This is Metallo, understood."
"Scrap the assassination, we need to break into the Hall of Justice."

"That should be a breeze." Said Reverse-Flash sarcastically. "What do we need to snag?"

"Waller wants us to steal the Old Amazo Armor that is on display at the Hall. Once Waller finishes with The League Members tied up, she will initiate part two of her plan.

"At least two JL Members will be there."
Said Metallo.

"So what are we waiting for, coffee? Let's move out." Ordered Deathstroke.

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